“Nina, do you have something around here that can cut this off?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

To Nina’s credit, she managed not to react overtly to the request. I could barely breathe as her gaze went from me to Magnus and he gave her the tiniest of nods. She couldn’t know the reasons behind the importance of the moment, but she recognized it for what it was.

“Yes, I think I do. I’ll be right back,” she said and then she quickly went into the barn and disappeared through a door.

“You sure, Aleks?” I asked.

I could see his body was trembling, but he nodded. “One step at a time,” he said quietly.

Nina returned within a couple of minutes and I was glad to see she’d found a set of bolt cutters that would do the trick. The sooner my brother was freed of this burden, the better. Nina handed the bolt cutters to Magnus and I stepped in front of Aleks, taking his hands in mine. I was close enough that even with the dim light above us, I could see a burn scar beneath the heavy links of the collar. I bit back the anger as I realized what the mark was.

The only way Parks would have been able to get the collar permanently around Aleks’s neck like it was, would have been to weld the links together while it was on him. The fucker hadn’t given a shit about hurting Aleks in the process.

Aleks’s hands were cold and clammy in mine as Magnus placed one of the links between the blades of the bolt cutters.

“Ready?” Magnus asked.

As much as I wanted the damn thing gone, I knew we still had to give Aleks the final choice.

“Ready,” Aleks responded. I placed my arm next to Aleks’s neck and held the chain so that the kickback of the bolt cutters when Magnus brought the blades together wouldn’t make contact with my brother in any way. It took a little bit of effort on Magnus’s part to sever the link. He handed the bolt cutters to a waiting Nina, and then he carefully pulled the link free. I took the loose end of the collar as it was released from the link and felt my stomach twist at how heavy it was. I forced myself not to focus on the discolored skin it left behind. I hoped like hell the paler flesh wouldn’t be permanent because I knew Aleks would already see that collar every time he looked in a mirror for years to come.

“Good?” I asked as Magnus took the entire weight of the collar and removed it completely from Aleks’s neck.

Aleks took in a deep breath and nodded. “I’m ready to go home now,” he declared.

I smiled and leaned in to kiss his temple. “Then let’s go.” I put my arm back around him and then reached my hand out to Magnus. He handed the collar to Nina who took it without hesitation and nodded when he mouthed the words “thank you” to her. His hand felt warm in mine, his fingers strong as they linked with mine and together we walked with Aleks out of the barn.



One month later…

“MawMaw!” Matty yelled as he came barreling around the corner of the hallway to where we were standing by the front door.

I didn’t even bothering stifling my laughter as Dante’s eyes widened in shock as Matty wrapped his arms around him. My lover sent me a ‘what the fuck?’ look that had me, Hawke and Tate doubling over in laughter.

“Nice,” Dante said grouchily as he released Matty who was smiling broadly.

I high-fived my grandson before pulling Dante to me to brush a kiss against his temple. “I just had to,” I said.

“Just remember, payback’s a bitch,” he whispered in my ear.

I shivered in anticipation. “Why do you think I did it?” I asked. Dante’s eyes filled with heat and we momentarily forgot where we were until Hawke cleared his throat.

“Uh, guys,” he said, casting his eyes downward at Matty who was watching us both with curiosity. I hoped like hell he hadn’t inherited my sense of hearing.

“Did you bring him?” Matty asked excitedly.

I knew exactly who he was talking about because there was only one person besides Leo who could get such a reaction from my grandson. “Aleks went to talk to Connor about a homework assignment,” I said. “He’ll be over in a few minutes.”

“Daddy, can I go over there?” Matty asked in a rush even as he dropped to the floor and began pulling on his shoes.

“What’s the rule when you cross the street?” Tate asked as he motioned to the jacket on the peg near the door. I grabbed it and held it out for Matty as he stood so he could get his arms into it.