“Down,” Dante suddenly ordered, his hand splaying across my upper back as he pressed my shoulders to the hard, cold floor. He maneuvered my hands so that they were crossed at my back and held me by the wrists as he began pounding into me. The position allowed me to do nothing but lie there and take it, my ass high in the air, my cock leaking pre-cum all over my abdomen. My cheek kept rubbing over the floor as his thrusts drove me forward, but I barely noticed because every nerve was wrapped around the tight coil of need that was building inside of me. I had no control over the grunts and groans that fell from my lips as his thickness burned my insides.

“You like it like this, don’t you?” Dante said, his voice coarse in the silence that was punctuated only by the sound of his skin slapping against mine and our harsh breaths seesawing in and out of us.

“Yes!” I responded, not caring how that made me sound. I craved moments like these – where he took and gave at the same time. Moments where I didn’t have to worry about maintaining some pretense…where I was safe to be whoever I wanted to be…needed to be. I always found so much pleasure in taking the trust that Dante gave me, but giving that same trust back was life-altering. It was freeing in a way I couldn’t explain.

“My dick in this perfect, beautiful ass of yours,” he snarled, his hips punching against mine.

“Yes,” I answered, though I doubted he’d been expecting a response.

He used one hand to hold my wrists and palmed my ass with the other, even as he continued to ride me hard. “This ass is all mine, isn’t it, baby?”

I nodded in agreement, but that didn’t satisfy him because he slapped my ass hard and then leaned over me. His fingers gripped my hair. “Say it,” he ordered softly.

“Your ass,” I said brokenly, struggling to find enough oxygen for even those two words.

Dante released my hands and I cried out at the burning pain that traveled up my arms as blood rushed back into my starved muscles. It only heightened my pleasure and I welcomed Dante’s weight as he pressed my hips to the floor with his body and began driving into me with deep, all-consuming lunges. One of his arms wrapped around my neck, forcing my head back to meet his lips. He sipped gently at my mouth with teasing licks even as he relentlessly drove into my ass over and over again. Electricity began to spread out beneath my skin and I felt my balls draw up tight in anticipation.

“You’re close,” Dante observed, his voice a warm whisper against my ear. “I can feel you tightening around me, trying to hold me in…”

I moaned and then stole a kiss. He gave it back to me and then plunged his tongue between my lips. It was a raw, dirty kiss that had me sliding my painfully hard dick back and forth over the cool tiles of the bathroom floor.

“Come with me, Magnus,” Dante urged and then he was kissing me as he took us both over the edge. I cried out in relief as my orgasm washed over me with brutal force. I barely registered the sensation of Dante’s release filling me and his shout of satisfaction in my ear because I was lost to my own body’s violent response to the extreme pleasure flooding all my senses. I heard Dante tell me he loved me as his body continued to thrust into mine, but I didn’t have enough sense to form the words to tell him I loved him back. Minutes passed before I was aware of Dante withdrawing from me and turning me onto my back. His wet cock pressed against my slick shaft and he reached between us to gently massage us both at the same time. We didn’t speak, didn’t kiss…didn’t do anything but lay there and watch each other. When the air around us began to become uncomfortably cool against our damp bodies, we got to our feet and quickly rinsed off in the shower before drying off and getting into bed. It wasn’t particularly late – barely nine o’clock – but we hadn’t had much of an appetite for food after the events of the day.

“You hungry?” I asked as Dante held me against his chest and toyed with my hair.

“If you’re offering to find us something to eat, then yes. Because I’m not sure I can move after that,” he admitted with a light chuckle.

“Since I’m going to need you to do that again to me at least one more time tonight, yeah, I’m offering,” I muttered drowsily.

Before Dante could say anything else, his phone rang and I felt him stiffen. “That’s Aleks’s ringtone,” he said as he sat up and searched out his phone.