Once Aleks had gone to his room, Dante said, “He should stay here until you can secure his passport. Familiar surroundings-”

Pedro responded in rapid and angry Portuguese and then he was pulling his youngest son towards the door. Dante started arguing again, but when Pedro waved a hand dismissively at him, he fell silent. Dante’s mother looked him up and down and then shifted her gaze to me. The disgust was clear, which only managed to piss me off even more. I went to Dante’s side and put my arm around him, sending the bitch a clear message. I was more than tempted to follow through on my need to throw her out of my house, but I managed to keep it civil for Aleks’s sake. I couldn’t be one of the reasons Dante’s parents kept him from his brother, though I suspected it wouldn’t have made much of a difference, considering the way they’d treated him.

Aleks returned to the living room, his small duffle bag that Dante had bought for him in hand. I moved away from Dante to give the brothers some space.

“You’ll come visit soon, right?” Aleks said nervously, his voice low. I couldn’t help but think he was doing it to not piss off his father, which didn’t bode well for the young man’s recovery. From everything I’d seen, Pedro was a domineering man and that was the last thing Aleks needed in his life.

Dante reached out to cup his brother’s cheek. “I’ll be there before you know it. You’re going to be sick of me visiting all the time.” Dante’s smile was forced and I wondered if Aleks could tell the lie for what it was.

Dante folded his arms around his brother, making sure not to hold him too tight or too long. “I love you, meu irmão.”

My brother…

Unlike all the other times Dante had initiated contact with Aleks, this time Aleks was the one who maintained the connection. “Meu melhor,” he whispered. Dante’s smile was heartbreaking and I saw him kiss the top of Aleks’s head as he said something back to him. They went back and forth a few times before I heard Aleks finally say what I knew Dante was waiting for…what he lived to hear.

Meu melhor tudo.

“Come, Aleks,” Juliana said as she reached out to wrap her hand around Alek’s arm. Aleks flinched, but released Dante. He gave his brother one final look and then glanced at me. He said something to me in Portuguese and then he followed his parents from the house. As soon as the door closed, Dante sought out my embrace.

“What did he say to me?” I asked as I kissed his temple.

“He told you to take care of me.”

I smiled at that. “Done,” I said simply. I felt Dante smile against my chest before he pulled free and turned to watch his brother and family get into the waiting cab.

“What was your stepfather saying about waiting until the passport was ready?”

“They were able to get an emergency passport issued. They spoke to the press who put pressure on the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil to get it issued. They’re flying out tomorrow morning.” Dante shook his head and I heard his voice catch. “It’s going to be a media circus when they get him home. I told them he needed time…”

I wrapped my arms around Dante, but couldn’t find the words to bring him comfort because there simply weren’t any. All I could do was hold on to him as he watched his brother being taken out of his life, mere days after finally finding his way back into it.

* * *

“Fuck,” I ground out as Dante drove into me, his cock gliding over my prostate with the perfect amount of pressure before he pushed into me as far as he could.

“So tight,” Dante murmured against my back where he was draped over me. I was on all fours on the bathroom floor where we’d ended up after our mutual hand-jobs in the shower proved to only be the jumping-off point for the night’s activities. Dante had been torturing me with promises of all the things he wanted to do to me as we’d dried each other’s bodies off, and I’d ended up dragging him to the ground and sucking his cock to the back of my throat to get the ball rolling. My knees ached from the hard tile floor and my ass burned from the endless thrusts Dante’s dick had been spearing in and out of my body for the last twenty minutes as he took me to the edge, left me hanging for the briefest of moments and then yanked me back from the precipice at the very last moment.

He’d stopped fucking me at least half a dozen times now so that he could plunge his slick tongue into my ass instead, teasing me with merciless licks that had me trying to fuck back onto the talented little appendage. As soon as I’d managed to find a rhythm that was sure to send me towards an epic climax, he’d stick his dick back into me without warning and without mercy. My hips ached from where he’d been pressing his bruising fingers into my skin and I couldn’t see from the sweat that was sliding down into my eyes.