But I heard them anyway and it was enough.

More than enough.

Memphis turned his head to seek out Brennan’s mouth and as they kissed, I carefully leaned back and grabbed hold of the edge of the condom and pulled free of Memphis’s body. He moaned a little, but didn’t stop kissing Brennan. I gently pulled Brennan’s spent dick free too, then I massaged Memphis’s hole with the pads of my fingers until it closed up. I crawled up his body and sealed my mouth over his, then Brennan’s before lifting myself off of him and going to the bathroom. By the time I returned after disposing of the condom and getting a couple of warm washcloths, Brennan had removed his condom and tossed it in the garbage next to the bed and had rolled Memphis to his side. I took my time cleaning a sated Memphis up and then helped Brennan get him under the covers. Brennan and I pressed Memphis between us until there was literally no empty space and then I kissed him and told him I loved him. He nodded dreamily and then it finally happened.

And it was better than I could have ever hoped.

Because for the first time since the day the three of us had started on this journey, Memphis fell asleep and he stayed that way all night, cocooned between us.




Chapter Twenty-Seven


“I know that look,” I heard Mav say and I forced myself not to look up from my phone as I re-read the text.

Be home by five.

“What look?” I managed to get out even as my eyes honed in on one word.


“That look you get when you realize everything in your world is finally right.”

I looked up at Mav as he finished pouring the coffee and slid one of the mugs across the counter. We were sitting in the kitchen of the small house he and Eli had rented. It had become my office of sorts in the nearly month that I’d been in Seattle. I’d used it to escape from Brennan and Tristan in the days after I’d gotten back from New York, but in the three weeks since I’d told Brennan and Tristan the truth about what had happened to my family, it had become a different kind of distraction. Mostly the kind that kept me from locking myself in my hotel room with Tristan and Brennan…not so I didn’t have to face the world, but because we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.

Of course, it didn’t always work because this morning Brennan and I had nearly made Tristan late for his piano lesson with a twelve-year-old girl, when we’d refused to let him out of the shower until we’d wrung one more orgasm from his tired body. We’d accomplished our task of course, and afterwards as Tristan had scrambled to get dressed, Brennan and I had given him a show as I’d fucked Brennan up against the glass shower door. Brennan had come all over the tempered glass just as Tristan had managed to pull his pants on over his half hard cock. He’d given us a dirty look, promised retribution and then hurried from the room. Brennan and I had cleaned each other off and then laid in bed for a while until he’d had to leave to meet his brother for coffee before going to work. Only then had I reluctantly made my way to Mav’s house to go over the new cases Daisy had sent.

“No idea what you’re talking about,” I said, though I knew the long-haired, tattooed man wasn’t buying my act. It probably didn’t help that nothing I did seemed to get the perpetual grin off my face.

“Right,” Mav said as he sat down on one of the barstools on the other side of the counter.

I sent a quick text to Tristan telling him what my plans for him and Brennan were when they got back and then put the phone down. I tried to focus on the information, but my mind kept drifting.

I’d been at my most vulnerable the morning after Brennan and Tristan had made love to me, despite waking up between them, their arms wrapped protectively around me. I’d expected things to change after that…that they would expect me to change. But there’d been no talk of me meeting family members or of going out on dates or insistence that we put a label on whatever it was we had between us. No, things had actually gone back to the way they’d been before Tristan had admitted to me that he’d told his fathers about me and I’d cut him down with my cruel words. I’d expected Dom Barretti to show up at my door in the days that followed asking me what I was doing with his son, but there hadn’t been a peep out of him or Ronan or anyone else.