I felt off balance as I watched him lean into Brennan’s side. Brennan kissed him sweetly and then his eyes lifted to meet mine. I marveled at how content he looked despite the fact that I’d once again kissed Tristan. I couldn’t stop myself from leaning down to kiss Brennan. When I leaned back, a wide smile drifted across his lips. I ended up sitting down on the coffee table and just stared at the both of them for several long seconds. I had no idea what the fuck was going on between the three of us and part of me actually didn’t want to know – I wanted this to be our reality. I wanted to not have to put a label on what was happening and I wanted to not have to worry that both young men were going to eventually realize that I was the piece of the puzzle that didn’t fit.

“I talked the guy at the pawn shop into selling your watch back to me for what you sold it for,” I said as I forced my eyes away from Brennan and Tristan and reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the remainder of the money. “He said he already sold the other stuff you pawned.”

“Memphis,” I heard Tristan say and I looked up to see him watching me, his expression pained. “Those men…Ray…”

“You’re safe now, Tristan,” was all I said. I turned my attention back to getting the money when I felt Tristan’s hands on my knees as he sat up.

“Memphis…” Tristan said softly.

I made myself look at him and then I hardened my jaw. Fine, he wanted to see the real me, I’d show him.

“What do you want to know, Tristan?” I asked. “Whether or not I killed them?”

Tristan flinched at my brusque tone, but he didn’t move away from me and that irritated me even more. “They’re still breathing,” I snapped. “But I made sure they knew what would happen if they ever touched you again…if they ever even set eyes on you again. And I’m going to do the same to your piece of shit father who ran back to New York like the fucking coward he is.”

I tried to stand, but Tristan grabbed my wrists and I wasn’t willing to risk hurting him, so I remained where I was. His hold on me eased slightly as his gray eyes held mine and then he dropped them to my hands. I’d ended up fisting my hands at some point during my outburst, but when Tristan ran his fingers over them, I opened them. I was stunned when he examined my hands before lifting his eyes and whispering, “They didn’t hurt you, right?”

“No,” I said, my anger dissolving as he played with my fingers, linking our hands together and then unlinking them, over and over.

“Good,” he murmured and then he was moving. He was straddling my lap and kissing me before I even realized what was happening. I kissed him back, but before the kiss got too hot and heavy, he ended it and then ran his fingers through my hair. “I don’t want this to end yet,” he whispered. “Promise me it won’t.”

My heart jumped in my chest. I automatically looked at Brennan who was watching us with naked hunger in his gaze. My desire spiked with just that one look and I snagged Tristan by the hair to hold him still for the rough kiss I laid on him. He moaned when I grabbed his ass in my hands and lifted him as I stood. I sat down on the couch with him still on my lap and then reached for Brennan and yanked him forward until his lips crashed down on mine. I kissed him hard and fast and then used my hand on the back of his head to guide him to Tristan. They both knew instantly what I wanted and they feasted on each other’s mouths as Tristan began sliding his hips back and forth over my crotch. My cock responded instantly and I quickly reached for Tristan’s jeans and worked them open. I didn’t take my eyes off of the two young men even as I got Brennan’s pants open.

I fisted both their cocks and heard them groan before separating to look down at me. Tristan began thrusting into my hand right away, but Brennan actually leaned down to open my pants. He carefully pulled my rock hard dick free from the confines of my pants and underwear and then he began jacking me off as his lips sought out Tristan’s again. The sight of their tongues twining around one another had me shoving my hips up desperately as electricity fired up my spine.

Everything was down and dirty after that and I was barely aware of Brennan knocking my hand away from Tristan’s dick so he could take us both in hand. I managed to keep working Brennan’s dick over even as both men took turns kissing me and each other and within minutes we were a mass of limbs, hot flesh, and seeking tongues. Overwhelming heat flashed through my body as my orgasm grew and grew and I felt helpless to do anything but lay back and enjoy my men bringing me pleasure. Tristan’s seeking hands had pushed my shirt up and his nimble fingers kept playing with my nipples as he thrust into Brennan’s hand, sliding our slick dicks together. I came first and with no warning at all. I shouted as the pressure inside of me exploded and I looked down to see white ropes of cum splashing onto my abdomen and chest. The orgasm wrenched through me so hard and so fast that it was almost painful in its intensity.