We’d tried playing it innocent when we’d gotten back to the house, but from all the looks we’d gotten from several of the men, we’d known that they hadn’t bought our act. I’d managed some small talk, but had mostly sat back to watch my new family interact. The sheer volume of people and conversations had been overwhelming, but no one had pressured me to participate. I had asked a few questions here and there, especially when it came to the many stories the various family members had shared with me about Tristan and Brennan when they were kids, but I’d never felt out of place or uncomfortable. I’d been an observer and no one had seemed to have a problem with that.

But several hours later as dessert had started being served, I’d started to get restless, especially since Brennan and Tristan had been sitting on either side of me and had decided they needed to touch me at the most inopportune times. Like when I’d been handing a bowl of mashed potatoes across the table to Tristan’s father, Logan, and Brennan had chosen that moment to run his hand across my groin under the table. I’d barely managed to stifle a curse and while no one else had seemed to notice, Tristan definitely had and had gotten in on the game. I’d returned the favor when I’d asked for a tour of the house – which I hadn’t actually needed since I’d already seen it the weekend I’d gone fishing with my men – as the desserts were being set out. We’d ended up in Tristan’s bedroom, but since the door hadn’t had a lock on it, I’d dragged both men into Tristan’s bathroom instead. We’d ended up with Brennan leaning against the counter while Tristan had sucked his cock and I’d pounded into Tristan from behind. Once I’d come, we’d switched places and Tristan had laved my spent dick with gentle laps of his tongue as Brennan had fucked him hard and fast. Only when Brennan had finally come had we both finger fucked Tristan at the same time until he’d found his own release. By the time we’d gotten back downstairs to the dinner table, Tristan had been blushing so hard that Dom had actually asked him if he was feeling okay.

“I know I’m never going to see a bathroom in the same way again,” Brennan said.

I laughed but then sobered. “Are you sure you don’t have a problem with what I told you about my work?”

I’d been too impatient to wait until we were back at the hotel to tell Brennan the truth about what I did for a living so I’d blurted everything out in the car. He’d asked me lots of questions, but when all had been said and done, he’d merely taken my hand in his, lifted it to his mouth and kissed the back of it before telling me it didn’t matter. It changed nothing.

“Keep saving people, Memphis,” he said softly. “Save them and come home to us, okay?”

I nodded because I suddenly found it hard to speak. When I finally did manage to find my voice, I said, “I think we should get Tink a friend. She was quite the hit tonight with the dogs and the kids.”

“I agree,” Tristan murmured between us.

“He wakes,” Brennan said as Tristan slowly flipped onto his back.

“You think Tink would like a dog?” I asked as I let my fingers sift through Tristan’s hair.

“For now.”

“What does that mean?” Brennan asked.

Tristan shrugged. “A dog now, a kid or two later.”

The idea of someday being a father hadn’t ever entered my orbit and while Tristan’s words should have chilled me to the bone, all they did was make me feel warm inside. The idea of raising a son or daughter with my men…

“I’m in,” I said before I leaned down to kiss first Tristan, then Brennan. “But I call ‘not it’ on diaper duty.”

“Me too,” Brennan said. He kissed Tristan before he could complain. “A dog means we need a place with a yard,” he offered suggestively.

“I already found a place,” I said. I reached behind me to grab my phone off the nightstand, but Tristan grabbed my hand to stop me.

“Show us tomorrow,” he said suggestively and then he was pulling me down for a deep kiss. As soon as I released his mouth, he was kissing Brennan. My body stirred as I stripped the covers back to reveal both their bodies.

“You’re not too sore, baby?” I whispered against Tristan’s mouth. “We kept you pretty busy today.”

Tristan brushed prettily. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you,” he said softly, and then he was pushing me flat on my back and crawling over me. I loved the feel of his tight body against mine, but I loved watching Brennan ease behind him even more. Tristan gasped into my mouth as soon as Brennan’s face disappeared between his lush cheeks and within minutes, Tristan was humping my dick like there was no tomorrow.