There was only one man standing outside the door when I rounded the corner leading to the room, but since he had his ear to the door, he didn’t see my bullet coming and he was dead before his body hit the floor. I didn’t bother trying the door to see if it was locked or not – I just kicked it in.

I took in several things at once and ran a gamut of emotions while doing it. Relief at the sight of Tristan and Tanner against the wall alive and seemingly unharmed. Tristan was hunched in on himself, his head hung and eyes closed. His mouth was moving, but I couldn’t focus on what he was saying because my eyes had already moved to scan the rest of the room.

The agony came a split second later because that was all I needed to understand what I was looking at.

All I saw of Brennan were his legs lying beneath Drake’s. Because Drake’s big body was lying flat on top of Brennan as he ruthlessly fucked into him from behind, his hands around Brennan’s neck, his pants around his knees and his bare ass flexing.

The need to kill drove me forward and I actually threw my gun to the ground so I’d have both hands free when I reached him. Kicking in the door had caught Drake’s attention, but I was nearly on top of him before he scrambled off of Brennan and went for the gun lying next to the mattress. I ignored the sight of Brennan’s naked lower half as well as the fact that he hadn’t moved and grabbed Drake by the hair and dragged him backwards. He yelped as I drove my fist into his face and then I slammed my knee into his exposed groin. His cry of agony filtered through the room and he fell to his knees, his hands cupping his cock and balls. I hit him again and then followed him down when he hit the ground. I drove my fist into his face over and over again until I could taste his blood as it sprayed on my own face and mouth.

“Memphis, stop!” someone yelled. I didn’t of course, but as I let my fist fly again, Ronan was there to catch it and he dragged me off of Drake.

“Let me go!” I snarled as I turned on Ronan and tried to shove him off of me.

“Memphis, look!” Ronan ordered, his voice surprisingly calm. I followed the direction he was pointing in and saw that Tristan was kneeling next to Brennan’s head, tears streaming down his face. His head was lowered so that it looked like he was talking to Brennan and I watched as he carefully lifted Brennan’s head so that it was resting in his lap. Tanner was nowhere to be seen, so I could only assume his father had gotten him out of the room.

I was struggling to catch my breath as I watched Cade use a knife to cut through the zip ties on Brennan’s wrists. The big man stripped off his shirt and used it to cover Brennan’s naked lower body.

A sob tore from my throat as the reality of it all hit me.

I’d done this. It was just like Drake had said during the trial.

“Memphis, your men need you,” Ronan said gently.

I was about to go to them when I heard a gurgle come from Drake and then a wet-sounding laugh. “So much for not sharing him, My Sweet,” he choked out.

I would have thought it would be harder to choose between going to Drake and finishing what I started or getting to Brennan, but it wasn’t. It was one of the easiest decisions I’d ever made. I ignored Drake as I hurried to the mattress.

“Memphis!” I heard Drake call, his broken voice rife with anger. He shouted my name again, but I barely heard it as I knelt on the bed next to Brennan.

“Brennan, baby,” I whispered as I touched his cheek. His eyes were closed and there was vomit on the bed as well as around his mouth, but I could tell he was breathing.

“Memphis,” Tristan whispered, his voice high and filled with fear.

“He’ll be okay, Tristan,” I said firmly. “We need to get him out of here, okay?”

I looked up at Cade whose anguished eyes were on the young man he considered as much a nephew as Tristan. “Help me get him up?” I asked. I’d only met Cade once and while our first meeting hadn’t gone well and he knew both his nephews had ended up in this situation because of me, I saw no recrimination in his eyes as he nodded. Cade helped me roll Brennan and used his shirt to cover him again and then helped me lift him. Tristan was at my side as Cade helped me get to my feet. Although Brennan wasn’t a small man by any means, I barely felt his weight as I cradled him against my chest.