Like when we’d been outside, his big palms skimmed my ass before kneading both globes and then he was lifting me. He set me on the table and immediately used his body to maneuver me so I was lying flat on my back. I registered glass breaking on the floor and realized it was one or both of our bottles of beer. Not that I gave a shit because Mav’s mouth was consuming mine so ferociously that nothing outside of the two of us existed. Mav grabbed hold of my hands and pinned them to the table and held me that way as his mouth plundered mine. When he pulled back from me, I tried to follow, but with him holding me down, I was completely helpless to do anything but lay there as he stared at me. I should have been frightened by the power he held over me in that moment, but all I was was incredibly turned on. My dick was already hard and pressing painfully against the confines of my pants and the need that was firing through my body was bordering on this side of uncomfortable.
“Please, Mav,” I whispered when it seemed like he wasn’t going to do anything other than hover over me, his emerald eyes fixed on mine.
“Please what?” Mav asked, his voice hoarse.
“I don’t know,” I said honestly. And I didn’t. I knew I needed relief and while I knew where this encounter was leading, I still couldn’t fathom that any sexual act would take away the growing coil of want that was burning through my gut. But I knew without a shadow of a doubt that the only one who could give me what I needed was this man.
Mav leaned down to kiss me and I felt him transfer both my wrists to just one of his hands above my head. His tongue continued to play with mine as his long fingers skimmed down my chest, abdomen and groin. The touch was too fleeting and I tried to buck my hips up in hopes of encouraging him to continue the contact. But instead, his hand flattened on my belly and then began pushing the hem of my shirt up. I jumped when his palm came in contact with my skin and then I was moaning into his mouth as he used his thumb to test the muscles there. His mouth left mine to trail a path of kisses down my cheek and neck while his hand pushed my shirt even higher. I struggled to pull my hands free, but not because I was afraid. But because I was so desperate for more of him.
I was about to start begging him some more when I felt his hand slide back down my stomach and not stop there and I tensed up in anticipation. I cried out in relief when his hand rubbed over my dick, but when he pulled his hand away just as quickly I yelled, “No, please, don’t stop!”
“Shhh, I’m going to take care of you,” Mav said against my mouth and then he was kissing me again. I felt his fingers fumble with the button and zipper on my pants for a moment and then his big hand was plunging into my pants and underwear in one swift move. If he hadn’t still been kissing me, I would have screamed at the pure pleasure that raced through me when his rough palm encircled my dick. Electricity sparked under my skin and shimmied up my spine as Mav began stroking me with hard, long drags of his rough hand. I was on sensation overload as he worked both my mouth and my cock at the same time and I didn’t even have time to say anything before my orgasm slammed into me without warning a few seconds later.
I’d jerked myself off plenty of times over the years, but it was nothing like what was happening to me in that moment. I had no control of my body or even my mind. Nothing existed except for the wave of pleasure that crashed through me as the coil of need inside of me snapped. My body jerked and thrashed uncontrollably as hot liquid sprayed all over my abdomen and groin and I felt tears prick my eyes as Mav whispered, “So fucking beautiful,” in my ear.
I hadn’t even realized he’d stopped kissing me at that point and that the low keening sound I was hearing was coming from me. The orgasm seemed to go on forever and it wasn’t until my body stopped spasming that I finally dragged in the air I so badly needed. Mav’s mouth was back on mine, but his kisses were short and sweet. His hand still had a hold of my dick, but he was gently massaging me through the aftershocks that were still hitting my sated, tingling body.