Eli clearly understood what I was asking because he nodded. He squeezed his eyes closed as I kissed him again and when I ran my tongue over the seam of his lips, he let out a startled gasp and reflexively opened his mouth even as he pulled back from me. With the door at his back he had nowhere to go, but instead of plunging my tongue into his mouth like I wanted, I kept up the tender kisses. Every time I gave his supple mouth the tiniest of licks, he sucked in a breath. But instead of closing his lips, he let them part just a little more each time and when I finally dipped inside, he let out a big sigh and I felt his free hand come up to rest on my shoulder, the Spiderman doll pressed against my shoulder blade.

I bit back the rush of lust that went through me as the sweetness of Eli’s taste dripped over my tongue and focused instead on giving him what he needed. The first time I stroked my tongue over his, he flinched, but by the third and fourth time, his tongue was seeking mine out. Within a matter of minutes, Eli was hungrily kissing me back and as I experimentally drew back, he followed until he was pressed flush against my body. I wrapped my arms around him to hold him in place as I finally kissed him the way I’d been longing to and he eagerly met every thrust of my tongue. My cock filled fast and when I tried to put some space between our bodies so we could both catch our breaths, Eli refused to release me and his tongue was pushing into my mouth. My good intentions fled as my body lit up like a brush fire and I slammed Eli back against the door and held him there with my body. I grabbed his ass with my hands and lifted him enough so his mouth was level with mine and I used my hips to hold him against the wood as I began thrusting against him.

The excited, needy whimpers spilling from Eli’s throat were killing me and if it hadn’t been for a catcall coming from the street, I would have been reaching for his zipper then and there. Eli and I separated long enough so that we could both look towards the front of the building where a guy walking his dog was watching us and giving us a thumbs up. While the man continued on his way, the spell was broken and Eli tugged free of my grip. I expected him to panic or try to escape me, but instead he leaned back against the door and brushed his fingers over his mouth. His eyes were bright with desire and something else, but before I could question him, he turned around and unlocked the door. I was sure he was going to tell me he’d changed his mind about dinner, but instead of closing the door, he left it open as he walked into the apartment. I followed him in and watched him drop down to wrap his arms around Baby before getting up and going to the kitchen. Baby came to greet me and while I ran my fingers over his sleek body, I kept my eyes on Eli who was pulling things from the refrigerator.

He finally stopped and looked at me and then smiled. It wasn’t a smile I’d ever seen from him before, but I liked it and I couldn’t help but grin myself. I should have been regretting the kiss because knowing what I now knew about Eli, I was even more certain that any kind of relationship, physical or otherwise, would mean something more to him than it would to someone else…someone like me.

But I couldn’t bring myself to wish it hadn’t happened. Even now, I was barely refraining from striding up to him and finishing what we’d started.

“Do you want something to drink?” Eli asked. “I have beer, soda, water.”

“A beer would be great,” I said as closed the door behind me. Eli handed me the bottle of beer and our eyes held for a moment before he dropped his gaze and started working on dinner. “What are you making?” I asked.

“Chicken Enchiladas. Is that okay?”

“Sounds great,” I said. “Can I help?”

“No,” Eli responded, casting me a look over his shoulder. “It’s pretty easy to make. And besides,” – he shot me another quick grin – “It’s my mother’s secret recipe. If I told you what was in it, I’d have to kill you.”

I chuckled and said, “Fair enough.” I dropped down into one of the kitchen chairs and focused my attention on the big dog who dropped his massive head in my lap. “How did you end up naming a dog like this Baby?” I asked.