The way he’d looked at me as I’d finally woken up from the daze I’d been in…

I shook my head and climbed off the loveseat. Baby was already eagerly waiting by the door, his big butt wiggling in anticipation. As I approached the door, I used the hem of my shirt to wipe my face, though I knew the move would do little to hide what I’d been doing for the last couple of hours.

I tried to force myself to relax as I turned the knob, but it was a wasted effort because the second I saw Mav on the other side of the door, I was back in that garage, knees on the dirty, grease covered floor and Mav’s stiff cock pulsing in my hand. I opened the door wider to let him in because I knew he would be full of questions and I doubted he would go anywhere until he had the answers he was seeking.

And I had no fucking clue what to tell him. Certainly not the truth.

But instead of coming in, Mav remained outside and studied me intently. Baby was sniffing Mav’s hands excitedly, but Mav kept his eyes on me when he said, “Do you still want to learn how to fight?”

The question caught me off guard and it took me several long seconds to nod since my voice had escaped me.

“There’s a gym at my hotel. Go change into something loose-fitting and meet me downstairs.”

And with that, Mav turned and trotted down the stairs.

“Baby,” I murmured and the dog instantly came back into the apartment. I was reeling from the fact that Mav hadn’t asked me about the events in the garage, but my desperation was still high so I hurried to my room and changed into a pair of athletic pants. I searched out my sneakers and dragged them on as quickly as I could even as my stomach rolled with anxiety.

I wasn’t a particularly athletic guy and never had been, but the events of last week and the terror of what had happened the previous night had me desperate to learn to defend myself. I gave Baby a quick pat before locking the door behind me and hurrying down the stairs. I slowed as I rounded the house and saw Mav leaning against his big motorcycle. I would never get used to how gorgeous he was or the effect he had on me besides just intimidating the hell out of me. It wasn’t like I hadn’t had my fair share of attention from other men. Between my leaner build and borderline effeminate features, I’d often attracted men from all walks of life and while I’d used my looks to my advantage when I’d been younger, it wasn’t something I had ever been particularly proud of. But something in the way Mav looked at me felt different. Yes, the desire was there – I wasn’t completely blind after all. But there was something else too. I felt it even now as he watched me approach and although I was nervous about spending time with him, especially considering what I’d done to him a couple of hours ago, I was also kind of looking forward to it too. Though I wasn’t really sure why.

But the thought was short-lived when Mav held a motorcycle helmet out to me.

“I can just take my own car,” I stuttered as the thought of climbing on the huge bike behind Mav made me both hot and cold at the same time. When he’d held me earlier in the garage as I’d tried to make my escape, I’d been too upset at first to notice how good his body had felt against mine. But then I’d heard his voice in my ear and while I hadn’t understood the foreign language he’d been speaking to me at the time, just the sensation of his voice rumbling against my back had been comforting.

“This won’t work if you don’t trust me, Eli,” Mav said quietly as he continued to hold the helmet out.

I swallowed hard. I knew he was right, but he had no idea what he was asking of me. Being able to escape was all I had.

Mav didn’t budge as he held my gaze and I automatically began gnawing on my lip before I realized what I was doing. I forced myself to move forward and take the helmet from him. It wasn’t a full face helmet so it was easy to put on and I fiddled with the strap as I watched Mav climb onto the bike and start it up. I seriously considered calling the whole thing off, but then I remembered the terror and helplessness that had spiked through me a week ago and again last night and that had me striding up to the bike. I put my hand on Mav’s arm to steady myself as I climbed behind him. The raw power I could feel between my legs was intimidating, but it had nothing on the sight of the broad back in front of me. Every time Mav shifted, his muscles rippled beneath his T-shirt. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with my hands, but before I could even find a place to put them to brace myself, Mav turned slightly and grabbed my right hand. He tugged it forward until it was wrapped around his waist. I nearly swallowed my tongue as I felt the hard muscles of his abdomen beneath my palm and to my own surprise, I was eager to wrap my other arm around him as well.