Despite the fact that Hawke was hurting me, I wanted him…no, needed him. I should have been physically repulsed by what was happening to me, but in truth I craved it – knowing Hawke needed me so badly. And it wasn’t just his rock hard cock buried deep inside me that told me that. It was in every frantic move as he pumped into me, in the way his fingers dug into my skin to keep me from moving. And it was in the way he folded his body over mine as soon as he’d bottomed out inside me. His skin burned mine with the intense heat his body was giving off and I could feel his breath sawing in and out of him because his lips were pressed against the back of my neck.

The pain began to recede somewhat as Hawke drove into me over and over, but it was when he wrapped his arm around my chest and closed his hand over the front of my shoulder that I felt my own body finally responding. His hold on me meant there was no space between us and I could both feel and hear every grunt and groan as he pummeled me with brutal thrusts. I knew everything was happening too fast and that I would have no way of catching up to Hawke, so I closed one of my hands over the arm he had wrapped around my chest and took in every sound, every feeling as he fucked me. And when he came just seconds later, I reveled in the way he shouted my name in my ear. Liquid heat burned my stinging channel as Hawke continued to thrust into me as he rode out his orgasm and when his weight forced me down on the bed, I groaned as his body pinned mine and I sank down flat on the bed. His body covered mine like a blanket and despite the need still rolling through my own body, I could have stayed like that for hours. But even as Hawke’s dick continued to pulse inside of me, he was pulling back and I stifled a moan as his thick length finally pulled free of my aching body.

Hawke dropped to his back beside me, but I didn’t turn to look at him. Because the pleasure I’d felt just moments ago had started to wane as I realized what I’d allowed to happen. I’d let him use me…and I’d taken pleasure in it. He’d admitted that he didn’t want me, but I’d been too desperate for a connection with him to care. I forced myself to get up and kept my eyes averted as I pulled up my jeans. I could feel Hawke’s semen dripping from my ass so I didn’t bother trying to search out my duffle bag as I stiffly walked to the bathroom. Every part of my body hurt as it started to come down from the high and I felt lightheaded as soon as I entered the bathroom so I leaned against the counter so I could get my bearings. After a couple of minutes, I managed to straighten and studied myself in the mirror. My skin was flushed with color, but there was no other evidence of what had just happened. I could feel it everywhere else though. I forced myself to back up and pull my shirt off. I started pushing my jeans down, but stopped when I saw the bruises on my hips. I ran my fingers over them in wonder.

It took me a moment to realize I was no longer alone and when I turned to look at the door, I saw Hawke watching me. I hadn’t thought to lock the door and I hadn’t heard it swing open either. He said nothing and neither did I – we just stood there watching each other. I tried to get a read on what he was thinking, but his eyes were shuttered. When he finally started moving, it wasn’t to leave. Instead, he came into the bathroom and I automatically took a few steps back until the backs of my legs hit the edge of the bathtub. I saw a flash of something in his eyes, but he kept coming at me. He’d pulled his pants back up at some point and he was still wearing his T-shirt. I waited for him to speak – for him to say he was sorry or that it was a mistake. But he said nothing and I couldn’t stop myself from flinching when he reached for me. Except he wasn’t reaching for me, he was reaching past me to turn the shower on. When he straightened, his body was so close, it was nearly brushing mine.

I expected him to leave at that point, but he remained where he was, and when he reached his hand up to my face, I managed not to move this time. His thumb skimmed my lower lip and came to a stop on the spot where’d I’d been biting myself to keep from making a sound. He massaged the tender flesh for a moment before trailing his fingers across my cheek and then down my neck. My skin came alive with sensation wherever he touched me and despite my aching body, my dick began to react to the contact. I could only stand there in stunned silence as Hawke gently began exploring me with his hand. My chest, my nipples, my abdomen – he left no part of me untouched. And when his hand reached the bruises, I dropped my eyes to watch his fingers gently skim over the discolored skin. At that point, I didn’t need to hear the apology because I felt it everywhere.