Once the shirt was gone, I got his pants open and began playing with the crown of his dick which was peeking out from just under the waistband of his underwear. Seth moaned and I nearly came when he squeezed my cock hard. I saw Seth’s eyes fix on my aching dick and I realized why when I looked down at myself. A bead of pre-come had formed at my slit. It began to drip down over the head when Seth suddenly slid his hand up and collected it with his finger. I held my breath as I watched him carry his finger to his lips and then he was sucking it inside.

“Christ,” I muttered as my blood began to simmer beneath my skin. I ignored the look of wonder on Seth’s face as he processed my taste and knelt so I could get Seth’s shoes off. I basically ripped his pants and underwear off of him and then I was searching out the discarded tie which had fallen to the floor during our tussle. Seth already had his hands together in front of him by the time I rose and I wanted to kiss him all over again for his unquestioning understanding of what I needed. I wrapped the tie around his wrists and knotted it and then turned Seth and pressed his back against the door. I lifted his tied hands above his head and pressed the coat hook on the back of the door between the folds of the knot. I was glad it was long enough that it would hold Seth in place if he started squirming. Because between the last few days of being around Seth and not being able to touch him and this moment, I was way too vulnerable and needy to handle it if he did unwittingly touch me. Worse, I was coming to fear that I actually wanted his touch…no matter the consequences.

Seth’s eyes were glazed over with lust as he watched me pull the lube from my wallet. I could already feel my orgasm threatening to overtake me so I quickly reached between Seth’s legs and slathered some lube over his quivering hole. I covered my dick with the rest, making sure to use an extra generous amount since I knew I couldn’t last long enough to prep Seth as thoroughly as I should. I used my arms to lift Seth’s legs and he quickly caught on and wrapped them around my waist. I spread my hand under his ass to support his weight and used my other hand to guide my cock to his opening. My whole body was shaking with excitement and I could feel that Seth wasn’t faring much better.

“God, I can’t fucking slow down,” I muttered as I began to press inside of him.

“Don’t,” Seth urged and I lifted my eyes to meet his. The emotion I saw staring back at me actually caused me to freeze in place and a combination of fear and joy went through me.

God, I couldn’t really be seeing what I thought I was seeing, could I?

I didn’t get to think on it too long because Seth closed his eyes and began to bear down on me. I bit back a curse and pushed against him until I felt his outer muscles give way. Seth was panting as he adjusted to my entry and I forced myself to stop long enough to give him the time he needed. When his legs tightened around me again and he closed one hand over the coat hook to support his weight as he lifted up just a little bit, I knew he was good and I surged up to meet him as he lowered himself onto me.

“Shit, fuck,” Seth growled as he did the move again, drawing more of me inside of him. By the time I bottomed out, he was calling my name desperately. I sealed my mouth over his as I began plunging into him. Seth tried to kiss me back but he couldn’t stop groaning every time I slammed into him, so I gave up and just let my lips rest against his neck as the lube began to make my gliding motion smoother. Seth was rocking himself back and forth over me as best he could, considering he had little leverage to work with and I could only hope his frantic movements didn’t put too much strain on the restraints or the coat hook that was helping support his weight.

My own control snapped when Seth clamped down on my dick with his inner muscles and I let out a muffled curse as I slammed him back against the door as I drove into him. The door rattled in the frame as I pounded into him over and over and I once again sought out his mouth as I felt my orgasm start to crest. It occurred to me that I needed to release my hold on Seth’s ass so I could get one hand between us, but he suddenly screamed my name against my mouth and then he bucked wildly against me. Hot liquid hit my chest and stomach as Seth’s cock jerked against my skin. Knowing I’d fucked him so well that he didn’t even need my touch to find his release had me coming an instant later and I felt Seth’s dick twitch against me some more as my come filled him. I knew my fingers were going to leave marks on Seth’s ass as I held him in place while I rammed into him over and over, riding out my orgasm, but I doubted Seth even noticed because he was still trying to jerk and twist his hips to take me in deeper as aftershocks quivered through him. When I finally had nothing left to give, I dropped my face against Seth’s shoulder and tried to catch my breath.