I could feel the end drawing near as electricity began firing up my spine and I began pumping into Seth with shallow, jerky thrusts that I had no control over. Seth whimpered as his own body stiffened against me and I reached my right hand down to close around his leaking cock. The second I lowered my arm, his hands came up to grab a hold of the forearm I had wrapped around his chest. His nails dug into my skin as he shouted against my lips and his ass clamped down on my dick with so much pressure that I could barely breathe. My orgasm ripped through me as I felt Seth’s hips jerk against my hand and then his come was dripping over my fingers. I yanked my mouth from Seth’s as wave after wave of pleasure rocketed through me and I bit down on his shoulder, grateful that his shirt separated my teeth from his skin. I held him that way as I rutted into him over and over as each ripple of his internal muscles pulled my come from my body. The heat from my climax bathed us both and when I finally released my hold on Seth’s shoulder, he slumped forward and I followed him down and let all my weight pin him to the countertop. Aftershocks kept making my body jerk and Seth would let out a little moan each time as his body twitched in response.

If I’d been a smarter man, I would have left things where they were at and just pulled free of Seth’s body. But Seth’s last words to me kept playing on a loop in my head and I couldn’t stop myself from leaning down, putting my mouth next to his ear and saying, “We’ll never be done.”

Seth’s whole body tightened beneath mine and I knew it wasn’t because he was still enjoying the aftermath of our simultaneous orgasms. But he didn’t say anything or try to push me off. He just lay there, his eyes going blank and his features loosening to the point that I saw no emotion whatsoever. I was tempted to kiss him to see if I could bring him back to me, but I was too afraid I’d find out what kissing Seth and having him not kiss me back would feel like so I didn’t do it. Instead, I carefully lifted myself off of him. My cock slipped free of his body and I nearly swallowed my tongue when I watched a line of my semen drip out of him a second later. I wanted so badly to lean down and clean him up with my tongue just so I could share the proof of what he’d done to me with him, but I knew he wanted nothing more to do with me at that point. It was written in the way he held himself.

He may have wanted what had happened between us but that didn’t mean he wasn’t regretting it too. I hadn’t really believed making love to him would change anything, but a tiny part of me had hoped he’d hear the words I couldn’t say.

I tucked myself back into my pants and then reached for Seth to pull him upright but he pulled away from me the second I made contact with him. “Don’t,” was all he said. He ignored the semen running down his inner thigh and bent to yanks his pants up. He turned to face me but didn’t look up. “You proved your point,” he muttered before lifting his eyes. “But it doesn’t change anything. We’re done.”

And with that, Seth was the one to walk away this time.

Chapter Fourteen


Bullet tugging on the leash I was holding was what made me realize I was no longer alone. I glanced over my shoulder and cursed the shadow of disappointment that went through me at the sight of Hawke walking towards me.

In the week since I’d asked Ronan to leave, I’d spent a lot of time in this same spot – the old, weathered log on the beach at the base of the bluff my house sat on. I’d made the excuse that Bullet needed the fresh air as he recovered from his injury, but it was just another lie among many that I’d told myself. Like that I didn’t miss Ronan. Or that I didn’t have dreams about how right it felt to have him inside of me and that I didn’t ache to feel his warm body pressed against mine. And that I didn’t wonder if it was him I sensed watching me throughout the day.

I’d been surprised when Ronan actually left but also relieved. I’d always believed I’d take any piece of Ronan I could get but now that I’d had just that, it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.