“Tell me if you want me to stop,” Seth murmured as he began to drag his hand up and down my length. I hated that he felt insecure enough that he needed to ask, but I knew it was my own fault. I went to reach for his cock, but remembered my injured hand. The left hand would be more awkward to use, but I could make do. But Seth beat me to it because not only was he jerking me off, he had his other hand on his own dick, matching the same pace he was using on me. Despite my tired body, the pleasure began to flood my limbs and I put my hands on the tiled wall behind Seth. I thrust against him so that our dicks were touching as he worked us both. His mouth parted as he began to increase both the pressure and the pace and I couldn’t resist dipping down to steal into it. He moaned into my mouth just before he came and the second I felt his hot come splash against my own dick, I let out a shout and gave in to my release. Seth gently caressed me for a few more minutes as the high wore off and then I went about washing him as best I could with one hand.

Once we were finished with our shower, I dried off and began brushing my teeth but when Seth made a move to leave to get his own toothbrush, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to me. I handed him my toothbrush and was glad when he took it without hesitation. I knew my neediness was off the charts because even the idea of being apart from him for the few seconds it would take for him to get his toothbrush was too much for me to handle right then. We didn’t bother getting dressed since it was still early and after Seth rewrapped my hand, we went back to bed and Seth instantly snuggled up against me.

“Where’s Bullet?” I asked.

“Cole texted a little while ago. He heard Bullet whining at the door so he took him outside.”

It was humiliating to know that Cole had witnessed my meltdown, but there was nothing I could do about it. All I cared about was figuring out where I stood with Seth. Because he still didn’t know what I’d become after Trace’s death.

“Seth, last night…the thing with Jonas-”

Seth cut me off with a kiss. “Just sleep, Ronan,” he said gently as he trailed his thumb over my cheek. “We have plenty of time to talk about everything.” He kissed me again. “I’m not going anywhere,” he said firmly. “I’m not going anywhere,” he repeated, more softly this time.

I felt tears threatening as hope began to bloom in my chest. Did I really have a chance of getting everything I wanted?

“Sleep,” Seth whispered against my lips. I nodded and closed my eyes. Instead of moving back to my chest, I felt Seth’s mouth settle against the spot where my neck met my shoulder. For all the times I’d worried about how his touch would shatter me, I hadn’t even once considered that his touch could actually start putting me back together again.

But that was exactly what he was doing…what he’d been doing all along.

* * *

It was almost noon before I woke up again. And when I didn’t feel Seth’s weight on me or his body pressed against mine, I jolted awake and sat up.

“Hey, I’m right here,” Seth quickly said, his hand settling on my arm. I tried to catch my breath as I realized he was sitting cross-legged near my hip facing me. Seth kept soothing me with his touch. “I ordered us some room service,” he said as he motioned to the food cart near the door. “I got you a BLT. You like those, right?” I nodded. Of course Seth would have noticed what I ate for lunch nearly every day while we’d been at his office.

“Did you eat?”

Seth nodded. “Do you want me to get yours?”

“No,” I said. I noticed Seth was wearing his sweats, presumably to answer the door for the food. “Is Mace here?”

“Yeah, he’s by the door.”

“Good. Where’s Bullet?”

“Cole took him home so we wouldn’t have to worry about taking him out. He’ll bring him back tonight when he switches shifts with Mace.”

“I need to tell you how I know them,” I said quietly. “I know you said it doesn’t matter but I need there to not be any more secrets between us.”

“Okay,” Seth said.

“After I realized the army had lied to me about getting justice for Trace, I lost it. I started taking pills and drinking, not caring what happened to me after that. And then I met someone who offered me a chance to get for Trace what the army wouldn’t.”