He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop. When he looked down at me, my breath caught in my throat. He had tears in his eyes.

“Did you just say you’re pregnant?”

I swallowed hard and nodded.

“But…you just stopped taking the pill a few weeks ago. The doctor said it might take a while.”

With a half-shrug, I replied, “I haven’t been feeling good the last few days, and I kept thinking it was from all the wedding planning. But it’s not. I took a home test this morning.”

His eyes bounced around my face, maybe in an attempt to see if I was serious or kidding with him. “We’re going to have a baby?”

I let out an unsure chuckle. “Yes.”

Roger pulled open the door to The Montclair, took my hand, and immediately turned to the right. We went into the library, and he shut the door.

“What are you doing?” I asked as he started to undo his pants.

“I’m making love to you right now.”

My eyes widened. “Right now? Here? In the library? Hours before we’re supposed to get married?”

Roger wrapped his arms around me, pulled me to him, and picked me up.

“I fucking love it when you wear dresses.”

He slid my panties to the side and pushed inside of me as he pressed me against a wall of books.

“Oh God,” I gasped when he started to move fast and hard. I had to bite down on my lower lip to keep from moaning.

“A baby,” Roger panted, going deeper, harder.

“Yes,” I whispered. “Faster, Roger! I’m so close.”

He buried his face in my neck, and I wrapped my legs tightly around him.

“Our baby,” he said as he pulled back and met my gaze.

All I could do was nod. I moaned, feeling my orgasm build. Roger sealed his mouth over mine and moved faster, and we both came at the same time. He swung me around, pushed me against the other side of the library wall, and started to move inside of me again. My eyes went wide, but he only picked up his pace.

“What’s the magical number?”

I panted between words. “I’ll tell…you…when you…hit it.”

Shortly after Roger made me come three times, we were a panting mess, lying on the floor of the library on our backs, both of us trying to catch our breath.

Roger turned his head toward me. “Do you know what the first thing I’m going to do is after we get married?”

My head fell to the side as I looked at him. “What?”

A brilliant smile spread across his face, displaying those dimples I loved so much. “I’m going to tell my mother my sperm is perfectly fine.”

I tiptoed out of the library and made a beeline to the cabin where everything was set up for me to get ready. I peeked over my shoulder to see Roger heading upstairs. The groom and groomsman were getting ready in one of the grand suites in the main part of The Montclair.

The moment I stepped into the chapel cabin, all eyes swung to me. My mother gave me a look that said she had been two seconds from sending out a search party. Patty jumped into action and started bossing people around. Elizabeth, Saryn, and Meg all gave me goofy smiles.

“What?” I asked.

Meg slowly shook her head. “You couldn’t wait.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked as the hairdresser motioned for me to sit down in the chair she had pulled out for me.

“Don’t even,” Meg said. “It is totally written all over your face.”

“Not to mention your hair is a mess,” Elizabeth stated.

I looked at the three of them in the mirror. They all stood behind me now. Saryn leaned in and whispered, “You told him, didn’t you?”

She was the only one I had told about the pregnancy test so far. Not that I didn’t trust Elizabeth or my sister; it was just that Saryn and I had grown so close in the last few months. It was Saryn who’d shown up this morning with a bagel and strawberry cream cheese for me…along with a pregnancy test. She said I had a glow about me that gave it away.

Of course, she would know, considering she found out just yesterday that she’s expecting another baby. They hadn’t been trying, but it was a blessing, nonetheless.

With a wicked smile, I winked at her.

She laughed and shook her head. “Let me guess—he pulled you into the first room he could find.”

It didn’t take the others—including the hairdresser—long to figure out what we were talking about. I nodded.

“Where?” Meg and Elizabeth both asked.

My cheeks felt hot, and I closed my eyes before I said, “The library.”

“Oh, God!” Elizabeth cried out.

“What is it, Lizzy?” Patty asked.

She held up her hand and waved Patty off. “Nothing. I just remembered something I forgot to do at the front desk.”

Patty gave her a warm smile. “It’s your day off. Stop thinking about work.”