My heart swelled, and I fought to keep my tears at bay. The last month and a half had been hard, being away from my sister and mother, but Patty and Elizabeth had truly become my second family. After everything that had happened with Roger, my world felt like it was both falling apart and beginning. If that were even possible.

The drive in the limo was eventful. Elizabeth was well on her way to being full-on drunk. Patty was starting to plan a ball at The Montclair simply for an excuse to dress up again, and Rick put his hand on my leg one too many times. And it was only a ten-minute drive to the Cana Ballroom, where the charity dinner was being held.

I sucked in a breath as we walked into the ballroom. It looked like a dinner Cinderella would attend. Round tables with six chairs apiece were set up throughout the room. White linens were draped over tables laden with blue and cream china. Crystal wine glasses caught the light from the small tea lights on every table, as well as from the dozens of chandeliers that hung throughout the room.

“This place is beautiful,” I whispered, wrapping my arm around Elizabeth’s.

“I know. It’s like a magical land in here, isn’t it?”

I nodded, taking everything in.

“Look at those flower arrangements,” I added. “The simple white flowers look so elegant. We need to remember that for the next function we have at The Montclair.”

“No talking business!” Patty said over her shoulder at me.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Why are you sticking to me like glue, Annalise?” Elizabeth asked.

“Because Rick keeps getting a little too handsy. I don’t think he got the memo that we’re not really on a date.”

She giggled and glanced over her shoulder at him. “He seems to be focused on someone else right now.”

“Oh, good! Is she pretty?”

“Umm…not that kind of focused. He’s talking to Mitchel Lawrence who also happens to be a lawyer.”

I sighed. “Damn.”

As we made our way through the ballroom, Jim and Patty stopped numerous times to introduce me to different people. Every now and then, I glanced at the tables to see if I could find ours.

My eyes caught on the name Roger Carter—and then I ran right into Jim’s back, throwing him off slightly. The man standing next to him reached out to help steady him.

“Jim, I’m so very sorry!” I said, trying to right myself as well. When I looked up at the gentleman who had helped him, I froze.

I’d seen blue eyes like that before.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Jim said. “Truitt, Saryn, I’d like to introduce you to our new general manager at The Montclair, Annalise Michaels.”

Both Truitt’s and Saryn’s mouths dropped open for the slightest moment before they recovered and smiled at me.

“Annalise, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” Saryn said, reaching her hand out to shake mine.

“The pleasure is all mine.” I turned and looked at Roger’s brother, swallowed hard, and extended my hand. “Truitt, it’s a pleasure meeting you.”

The corners of his mouth twitched, and then he smiled and shook my head. “The same for me, Ms. Michaels.”

“Please, call me Annalise.”

Truitt and Saryn exchanged a glance before they both focused their attention back on me.

“I can certainly see why my brother hasn’t been himself the last few weeks,” Truitt stated. He took a sip from the drink in his hand.

I frowned at him while Saryn laughed softly. “Ignore him. I want to hear all about what you think of Boerne. It has to be so completely different from New York City.”

“Um, it is,” I said, trying with all my might not to look around the ballroom. At the same time, I worked to calm my racing heart.

“There you are.” Rick walked up and handed me a glass of wine. “Our table is over there, in the back corner closest to the stage.”

I forced a smile. “Thank you, Rick.”

When I looked back at Saryn and Truitt, they both seemed slightly disappointed. It was Saryn who broke the awkward silence. “You’re here with a date?”

“No,” I said quickly, glancing over at Rick. “He’s not my date. He’s the nephew. Um, Patty’s nephew.”

Rick lifted his drink and smiled. “We’re not on a date. My aunt strong-armed me into coming.”

Truitt chuckled. “Sounds like Patty.”

Rick rolled his eyes and took a drink.

Saryn stretched her hand out to Rick. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I adore your aunt and uncle.”

Rick shook her hand. “They’re two of a kind.”

It was Truitt’s turn to shake Rick’s hand, and I couldn’t help but notice the look of relief on his face.

Rick and Truitt started talking about Truitt’s custom playhouse business while Saryn pointed out Roger and Truitt’s parents to me.

“Would you like to meet them?”

I went to answer when someone behind Saryn caught my eye.

It was Lucy. She was dressed in a light purple ball gown, and her hair was down in long, soft-looking curls.