Nodding, I said, “I am, but I have to face him sooner or later.”

She gave me a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry. I know how much you really liked him.”

My heart felt as if someone had reached into my chest and squeezed it as hard as they could. It always felt like that when I thought of Roger.

Before I had a chance to respond, Rick walked back out into the lobby with Patty.

“You’ll go then?” Patty asked.

Rick seemed displeased about something, but he nodded anyway. “For you, yes.”

Patty beamed with happiness. “Wonderful. We can all go together.”

Running his hand through his hair and sighing, Rick glanced my way and gave me a halfhearted smile. “I better head on over to the real estate office.”

Patty clapped him on the back. “You do that. See you tomorrow!”

Once Rick was out the door, Patty spun around and pointed at me. “I just arranged a date for you tomorrow night.”

My mouth dropped open, and Elizabeth mumbled, “Oh. No.”

“What!?” I choked out, following Patty back to her office.

“You need a date for the charity dinner.”

I vehemently shook my head. “I do not need a date, Patty. As a matter of fact, I am very much against having a date.”

Patty laughed. “Oh, honey, don’t worry. I made it perfectly clear to Rick that he was only allowed to act as your date to make a certain man jealous.”

I was positive I had a look of horror on my face. From the way Elizabeth was slinking away, she must have known about Patty’s plan.

“I don’t want to make anyone jealous! Patty, what have you done?”

Acting as if she couldn’t hear me, Patty grabbed her purse and rushed toward the front door. “I need to go visit Janet and make sure everything is in place for tomorrow!”

“Wait, Patty,” I said, taking her arm and pulling her to a stop. “I’m not into playing games like that. I won’t pretend to be with him. If you ask either of us to play that part, I won’t go.”

Patty sighed and then rolled her eyes. “Fine, but he’s already planning on going.”

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. By the time I opened them, Patty was out the door.

I whirled around and looked at Elizabeth.

She held up her hands. “I didn’t know anything about this, I swear. But if I’m being honest, it’s pretty clear how miserable you are, and…well…Roger hasn’t been around in a few weeks. Of course, she noticed.”

“I moved out of the hotel a week ago! I’m not even living here anymore. How does she know I’m not seeing someone else? I could be sleeping with a different guy every night.”

Elizabeth stared at me, then fell into a fit of laughter.

I brought my hands to my hips. “What? I could!”

That made her laugh even harder, and she leaned over and grabbed her stomach.

“Okay…like that’s believable,” she said between bouts of laughter.

I let out a growl and stomped away like a five-year-old. Maybe I would suddenly come down with the flu, or something, and not even have to go….

As I made my way into my office, I settled on a plan. “Yes, that’s what will happen. I’ll get the flu.”


THE FLU IDEA didn’t work. It had been worth a try, though.

“You look beautiful! Did you get that Brazilian wax like I suggested?” Patty asked.

I glared at her in the full-length mirror in front of me. She had shown up at my house at eight in the morning after I’d called to tell her I wasn’t feeling good. She’d brought every known remedy she could find and made me try them until I finally broke and told her I was fine. Then she’d talked me into going and getting waxed.

“I don’t even want to talk about that with you,” I huffed as I crossed my arms.

Her eyes met mine in the mirror. “Oh, honey. I know I’m your boss, but I’d like to think I’m a mother figure to you as well.”

I let out a humorless laugh. “I can promise you, I would not be talking to Mom about a Brazilian wax.”

“I have the perfect earrings for this outfit. Now, where is that bag?” Patty asked as she spun around in a circle, not even paying attention to what I’d just said. “I bet it’s in the car. Be right back!”

I glanced over at Elizabeth, who was putting her hair up in a French twist.

She smiled back at me. “You got the wax job, didn’t you?”

I nodded. “It was awful. At one point, I swore my belly button was attached to my clitoris. When she tore that paper off, I felt it rip from the inside all the way up to my belly button. I actually demanded a mirror so I could make sure it was still there.”

Elizabeth lost it laughing.