We’d stayed up for hours last night, talking, making love, and talking some more. I finally collapsed in exhaustion after Roger buried his face between my legs, nearly making me pass out from the intense orgasm he gave me with his mouth.

I should have woken up looking like a mess; instead, even I noticed the extra pink in my cheeks this morning.

“It’s all this fresh air. I went for a run this morning on the trail, and I couldn’t believe how peaceful it was,” I said, closing the book I was looking at. It was a list of events the hotel had already booked for the upcoming spring and summer wedding season. We had a large, separate building off the courtyard that was big enough for receptions, meetings, reunions…you name it, and we could host it.

“I imagine it’s very different from New York City,” Patty stated.

Laughing, I nodded. “Yes, in a lot of ways.”

“Bryce told me you were looking at the event calendar.”

Glancing back down at the book, I grabbed it and stood up from where I had been sitting on the sofa in the lobby. It was a nice change from my office with its one small window. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. My office in New York City had been five times the size of the one I had here at The Montclair, but I hadn’t minded one bit. I loved being able to sit peacefully in the lobby and work. “Yes, I was trying to get a feel for the type of events we typically hold here. It looks like a number of weddings, and I can certainly see why with that beautiful creek-side area we have.”

Patty grinned like she knew something I didn’t. “Did you know that the gazebo was built by Truitt Carter, Roger’s brother?”

The mention of Roger’s name made my entire body tingle. “I did not know that.”

“He did it as a favor to Jim and me. He normally only builds playhouses.”

“Yes, and I hear he’s very talented at it. He’s even had a few famous clients, apparently.”

Patty’s eyes lit up with delight, but I wasn’t exactly sure why.

“Anyway,” I went on, “I was in the library earlier, and I wanted to mention an idea I had.”

“Oh, I love new ideas, especially for the library. It’s one of my favorite spots, and original to the house, you know.”

With a soft chuckle, I said, “What would you think of using it to host a monthly employee game night?”

Patty stared at me, then blinked rapidly a few times before looking away.

Oh crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. She hates the idea.

“If you don’t want to, that’s totally fine.”

She held up her hand and gestured for me to wait a moment. I held my breath, and when she finally turned around, she wiped a tear from her cheek and smiled. “That is the best idea I think I’ve heard in a very long time, Annalise.”

I exhaled and reached for the back of the lobby’s antique sofa to steady my wobbling knees. Now I just had to figure out why she was shedding tears at the idea. “Great. I thought it would be a wonderful way for the staff to let loose once a month and do something fun. I used to host a few staff-appreciation events throughout the year at my previous job, and I know how much they mean to the employees.”

Patty nodded. “It is a wonderful idea.”

“I thought maybe we could pick a different local restaurant each month to cater dinner. I know it’s an additional expense to your overhead, but after looking at the budget set for this year by the previous GM, we have plenty in the miscellaneous fund.”

“Yes, yes, we do. Beatrice, who was our GM before Rick, used to do things for the staff on their birthdays. I’m not sure why Rick didn’t.”

“That would explain why there’s a large balance left.”

The door to the lobby open and shut. Patty and I both turned to greet whoever it was. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that it was Roger.

Oh. My. Goodness. My ovaries exploded at the sight in front of me—Roger had a little girl on his shoulders.

“Roger, Liliana, what a wonderful surprise!”

I looked from Roger’s sky-blue eyes to the little girl’s matching ones. She couldn’t have been more than five or six years old. I took a step back as my heart dropped to my stomach, and I reached for the sofa again.

Was this why Roger wasn’t interested in a relationship with anyone? Because he had a little girl?

I quickly raced through our conversations last night. Roger had briefly mentioned one long-term relationship but hadn’t offered up any information other than the fact that they’d met in high school.

“Is this her, Uncle Roger? Is this Annalise?” the little girl asked as she stared at me and smiled. “She looks like Cinderella!”