“That sounds amazing. Let’s plan on meeting at the restaurant for lunch tomorrow, and we can talk more then. As far as today goes, get settled, we’ll do an official tour, and I’ll introduce you to everyone. Then you’re free to roam around for the rest of the day and get some food. I had Manny bring in a small refrigerator for you to use.”

“Thank you so much, Patty. And thank you for being so understanding with the delay in starting.”

She waved her hand again. “Pish, posh. I’m not the least bit worried. I’m just so excited to have you on our team as part of the Montclair family. Now, text me whenever you’re ready to head back to the front desk, and I’ll make sure everyone is there to meet you.”

“Sounds good,” I said as I followed her back to the door.

Before she stepped out, she turned and faced me. “I have to ask, how do you know Roger Carter?”

I was positive my jaw hung open for a good twenty seconds. “Roger?”

She nodded. “He dropped you off, and it seemed like the two of you knew each other. I wasn’t aware you knew anyone in town.”

“I don’t. I mean, I didn’t until the other day.” I laughed nervously. “Funny story! Roger was actually stuck in Chicago as well. We met there. Neither one of us even knew we had a connection to Boerne until we both ended up at the same car rental company today. And that’s when we found out we were going to the same place. It’s a crazy…um…coincidence.”

Patty slowly nodded and gave me a look I couldn’t read at all. “I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe in fate. There is a reason for everything. And sometimes, fate meets destiny.”

I drew in a deep breath and then let it out slowly. Was she talking about me and Roger? “Well, we’re only friends. I don’t think Roger is the least bit interested in anything other than that.”

With a half-shrug, Patty turned toward the path that led back to the hotel lobby. “Hmmm. I don’t think he truly knows what he wants. See you soon, Annalise!”

I stared at her back as she retreated. “What in the hell does that mean?” I asked to no one but myself.

After shutting the door, I leaned against it and let out a groan. Today was supposed to be the beginning of a new life. I should have been excited to start this new journey. Instead, I was confused and, honestly, a bit shell-shocked.

I rushed over to my purse, pulled out my phone, and hit my sister’s number.

“So? How is it? Is the town cute? Have you been able to look around? Tell me there are cowboys, and I’ll fly down tomorrow! I want to know everything!”

“Oh, my God, Meg, I’m in so much trouble. So. Much. Trouble!”

She gasped. “They fired you already?”

I jerked my head back. “What? No, I didn’t get fired. My gosh, Meg, that’s the first thing you think of?”

“Well, what else am I supposed to think when you call me on your first day and tell me you’re in so much trouble?”

Rolling my eyes, I replied, “I don’t know, but not that I was fired from a job I haven’t actually started yet.”

“Fine. Why don’t you just tell me what’s wrong then.”

I took in a deep breath. “Roger lives here.”

“Wait, Roger, the guy from the hotel? He lives where? In Texas?”

“Yes! Not only does he live in Texas—he lives in Boerne.”

Silence filled the line, and I waited for it to sink in.

“Are you sure he lives there? He didn’t follow you there like some maniac, did he? I mean, you had sex with him, but you knew nothing about him.”

I growled at her. “No, he didn’t follow me here. He couldn’t have since he didn’t even know I was coming. And the owner of The Montclair noticed Roger dropping me off and started to talk about him. She knows him, Meg. She knows him! She said it was fate we met in Chicago.”

“You told your new boss you slept with Roger?”

“No, of course not! I simply told her we met in Chicago and then ran back into each other in the airport when I was trying to get a rental, and none were left so Roger gave me a ride.”

“That was nice of him. Where did you run into him? I can’t imagine it’s a small airport.”

I let out a disbelieving laugh. “Are you sitting down? Because this story keeps getting stranger by the minute.”

“I’m sitting.”

“I never changed my reservation for my rental car, so when I got there, they didn’t have any cars left. Next thing I know, Roger is standing there with a reservation. He got the last car!”

Meg laughed. “Wait, why was he renting a car if he lives there?”