God, I wanted to know exactly what he was thinking. What impact, if any, my words had on him. If we weren’t going in two different directions, down two different paths, would he change his mind? Or was this something he did often? He was extremely good-looking, and I wasn’t so naïve that I didn’t know the man most likely had a very healthy sex life.

“I don’t do this, Anna. These last few days have been…” His voice trailed off, and I found myself holding my breath. “They’ve been amazing and fun, but I…”

“You don’t have to say anything else, Roger. We both agreed when we started that it would be no strings attached. I’m not expecting anything from you when we both walk out that door.”

He placed a soft kiss on my shoulder, and I could feel his body instantly relax.

“Thank you for giving me some of the most amazing days ever. I’ll never forget you, princess. Never.”

A tear slipped free as I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I’ll never forget you either.”

Roger and I stood at the entrance of the airport, staring at one another. Neither of us had spoken a word during the Uber ride there. Roger was way too early for his flight, but he wanted to see me off. I wasn’t sure at first if he would come to the airport with me, especially since he’d uttered only a handful of words to me since we woke up. I knew it was his way of putting distance between us, and I couldn’t really fault him for that.

“I guess this is it,” he said with that smile of his. It made my heart pound in my chest. The dimples didn’t always come out, but they were there now.

With a humorless laugh, I replied, “Guess so.”

Roger placed his hand on the side of my face, and I leaned into it. “Have a safe flight, Annalise, wherever you’re going.”

I could feel that lump in my throat again, and when I spoke, my voice sounded strained. “You too.”

I reached up onto my toes and kissed him quickly on the lips. I went to step away, but Roger dropped his bag and pulled my body to his. His hand went to the back of my neck before his mouth crashed onto mine.

If I had thought the man could kiss before, this one was mind-blowing. It felt like he was trying to pour every thought and emotion he couldn’t verbally say into that one kiss. To say I was being kissed senseless would have been an understatement.

When I wasn’t sure I could take any more, he drew back and leaned his forehead against mine. His chest rose and fell with each breath.

“Fuck. We didn’t have enough time together.”

I took in a shaky breath and sniffled. “This is harder than I thought it would be.”

Roger didn’t respond to that. He kissed me on the forehead, took a step back, and said, “Goodbye, Annalise Michaels.”

My nose stung, and the back of my eyes burned with the threat of tears. I’d never dreamed I could have such feelings for a man I knew almost nothing about.

When I opened my mouth, no words would come out. I cleared my throat and took a step back so that his body was no longer in contact with mine. I needed to be able to think, and having Roger near me like that certainly muffled my thoughts.

“Good…goodbye, Roger.” I forced a smile as I held my chin up and fought with everything I had not to break down in tears like some crazy woman.

He gave me one more smile before I turned and started into the airport, leaving him behind to watch as I walked away. My feet felt like lead, and the urge to turn and run back to him was overwhelming.

Each breath came quick and fast, and I pressed my hand over my stomach to settle a sudden rush of nausea.

By the time I made it through security, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I looked back. My heart dropped when I didn’t see him anywhere.

“Why did you look back, idiot?” I whispered.

I made it to my gate, kicking myself for not asking Roger for his phone number. What harm would having a phone number be?

“No, it’s better this way,” I said to myself as I flopped into one of the chairs.

My phone suddenly rang, and I jumped. I had never fumbled for my cell so fast. I jerked it out of my purse, hoping beyond hope that maybe while I was in the shower, Roger had gotten my phone number off my phone.

I groaned when I saw it was my sister.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

“What’s up? What is up? You’ve been trapped in Chicago for days, and every time I try to call, you send me to voicemail. When I text, you say you’re busy. What in the hell, Anna? I was ready to call the police, thinking something happened to you. Then Mom told me you texted her to say you had to share a hotel room with some strange man! For all I knew, he murdered you and was simply texting back on your phone!”