I open the front door to find Enrico leaning against the wall. “I’m here to take you into the café when you’re ready.”

“Thank you. I’m totally ready.” The door locks behind me and I follow Enrico to the elevator. He doesn’t say anything the entire drive.

As soon as we pull up, Enrico comes around and opens the door for me which makes me blush because it’s so much to take in. I feel like some celebrity.

I pull open the café door only to find Niccolò coming toward me.

“I missed you, Sugar.” He slides his arm around my waist, dragging me to his body while his other hand slides up the base of my skull.

He kisses me in front of the entire place, growling and biting on my lip as if he’s marking his territory for every male in the place. We earn a round of applause as he releases my mouth. I brush my hair that has fallen loose from my braid and tuck it behind my ears. “You look perfect, Ivy.”

“I think we’ve given them enough of a show. How about we get to work?”

“Sure. You know how I feel about it, but those guys from last week are here.” I look over and it’s the ones he got pissy with me about.

“Your jealousy is sexy.”

“You say that now, but when I kill them, I don’t think you’ll agree.”

“Mr. Bianchi, you will do no such thing. Come now. You’ve proven your point.” I lead him to the back because as much as I love the attention he gives me, the scowl he gives my customers isn’t good for business.


We manage to work for two hours on paperwork makes my eyes cross so I take breaks to help the girls he’s hired. As soon as noon hits, he takes my hand and says, “It’s lunch time, Sugar, and I have it on good authority you haven’t eaten a thing.”

“I’m still full from last night’s dinner,” I say, rubbing my belly that’s completely flat. It’s not like I’m used to eating more than once a day these days. He’s always trying to feed me like a normal human being.

“Liar. Now come on. Do you want any place in particular?”

“I do like the place across the street.”

“Come on then. We can talk about the plans for the café while we wait for our food.”

“Is it more numbers?” I complain, huffing as I grab my purse.

His mouth presses against my ear, starting a low hum as he kisses down to my pulse before he says, “No. Ha. I want to hear what you want to do with the café and your plans for growth and repairs.”


We head to our new little spot and talk throughout our hour-long lunch. By the time we get back to the café, things are running smoothly with a few customers eating inside while the line at the front is short.

The rest of the day has gone in a blur of hard work and stolen kisses. I send the employees on their way after they help me clean up. Giving the floor another once-over to make sure nothing has been missed, I shut off all the lights and then I head into the back room where Niccolò is coming out of the office with a devilish grin. “Are you ready, Sugar?”

Sensing he’s not talking just about leaving for the day, I answer with a softer, “Yes.”

His eyes darken and nose flares as the predator senses his easy prey. Niccolò wraps his hands around my waist, bringing me close. It’s a wonderful feeling being in his arms as he grinds his bulge on my belly. Shit, I’m short enough that if it was pointing north, he’d rub it on my tits. “Good. I hope you’re not too sore because I need to get you home and bury myself deep inside of you.”

“You can have me now,” I moan as his mouth lands on mine.

“Sounds like a fucking great idea.” He picks me up and sets me onto the steel kitchen island, and then yanks down my pants and underwear, sliding off my flats. I know this isn’t sanitary, but I can’t seem to care. Dropping to his knees, Niccolò wastes no time and sucks on my clit, licking my wet hole until I’m nearly coming off the table.

“I love eating you out, but I want you to come around my cock.” Freeing himself, he slides his thick length into me. My voice cracks as he pushes deep into my tight core. The pleasure and pain combine, driving my orgasm to the surface. With his hands on the steel bench, he pistons hard until I scream out his name. “Niccolò, I’m coming.”

“Squeeze my cock with that tight pussy, Sugar. Coat it because I’m putting my baby into you.”

“Fill me up, Niccolò.” We kiss and grind as Niccolò comes.