A pounding on the door pisses me off. “What?”

“Hey, Mama wants you to clean her sewing room with disinfectant when you’re done,” Dom says, laughing hysterically. I look around and chuckle. Fuck. “Oh and she needs her portable sewing kit. Someone’s dress has a tear.”

“I think I need it first,” Ivy says, blushing and laughing.


“I needed that.”

“Anything for you, my wife.”



I stare at these papers, attempting to do the work so Niccolò doesn’t have to work twice as hard running the company and doing the café’s accounting, but it’s futile. I suck at numbers without a doubt.

“What are you still doing in your office, Mrs. Bianchi?”

“Niccolò, what are you doing here?”

“I was waiting to take my wife home, and I find her with her head buried in paperwork.”

“Oh well… see… I… well, I tried to do the bills.”

“Sugar, get your pretty bottom up. It’s time to go home.”

“What about this stuff?”

“I can handle it, beautiful, but what I can’t handle is my very pregnant wife stressing herself out. I’ve hired more people to give you a break.”

“What about your break?”

“Sweetheart, you’re too cute. I might have a new passion.” He pulls me in for a deep kiss and when he pulls back, he continues. “But numbers are my next favorite thing. The figures for the café are simple for a guy like me. Now, let me take you home and massage your tired feet, feed you, and then fuck you into a nice, deep sleep.”

“How did I get so lucky?”

“I ask myself that every day, Ivy.” We share another kiss before leaving the café and get into the back of the SUV. Since the shooting, Niccolò has started protecting us like Domani does Aria. Because he’d spent his years with less security, he’d become lax, and that’s when my father decided to attack.

Niccolò informed me that there’s a truce with the Denalis after a surprising turn of events with Marie. All I have to say is that I’m grateful that mess has been dealt with and it’s over; the thought of a full-out war was too scary to imagine. According to Niccolò, it wasn’t necessarily going to be a bloodbath but rather a financial battle, which is the key to bringing down an empire these days.

“Are you well, my love?”

“I am. Can we get some Chinese?”


“Yes. They are going wild today.”

“I’ll order it now.” He places the order, knowing what I love without having to ask. Once it’s done, he puts away his phone and then kisses my palm. “I live for you, Ivy.”

“I love you, Niccolò. You make life worth living.” He’s on me, kissing me roughly. He gets turned on any time I say, “I love you.” With a groan, I nudge him off me.

“Oh, no.”

“What’s wrong?”

“The Chinese will have to wait.” I cry out in pain.

“Hospital, now,” Niccolò barks at Tony.

“Yes, sir.” We get to the hospital quickly, but it feels like an eternity as my body tightens and relaxes. The contractions are less than three minutes apart as they wheel me into a labor and delivery room.

“Where the fuck is the doctor?”

“Mr. Bianchi, please remain calm. The doctor’s on his way,” the nurse says.

“Did you say him? Where is her doctor?” Niccolò snarls. My husband doesn’t speak to others unless he has something to say and right now, he’s got a lot.

“She’s not available at the moment.”

“What the fuck do you mean?” His brow arches, face turning icy cold.

“She’s not available. Relax, Mr. Bianchi. Your wife needs a doctor, so just stay calm and comfort her. The doctor’s not interested in seeing her stretched canal.”

“You’re lucky you’re a woman.”

“Whatever, grumpy man. I don’t have time for this. Your wife needs help, and you can’t pick and choose who’s available.” She moves past him to me. “Mrs. Bianchi, I need to get you ready.”


The door opens and the doctor that comes in has to be at least sixty, which thankfully calms Niccolò. “Hello, I’m Doctor Maris. Mrs. Bianchi, Mr. Bianchi, please remain calm and let’s see how far along you are.” I cry out before he gets to adjust his chair. “Okay, let’s wait for it to pass. Mr. Bianchi, take your wife’s hand and let her squeeze through the pain.”

“Why is she in so much pain?”

“Labor is painful. We would offer her meds, but we don’t know if she’s too far along.” The doctor looks at me. “Ready?” I nod. With a gloved hand, he checks my entrance. “Whoa.”

“What ‘whoa’?”

“It looks like we’re going to have this baby very soon. I’m sorry, but the baby’s already crowning.”


“The baby’s head is already peeking out.” Niccolò steps over to look and pales, fainting on the spot.

“Nico,” I shout.

“Nurse Ava, we need help in here.”

“Come on here, tough guy, time to wake up.” A knock on the door brings in another nurse, along with Mrs. Bianchi. “Mama, your son took one look and fainted.”