“Oh, she’s pretty.”

“I suppose, but I’m not interested in her.”

“How old is she?” I ask because it’s bothering me still.

“She’s in college, so I’m not quite sure.” His lack of interest makes me happy, so I drop the questions for the time being. It’s silly to even ask him at all because we’re not together, no matter how much he kisses me. I’m a means to an end—a debt to collect—owned.

Chapter Seven


Lunch was amazing mainly because of the company. Ivy’s smile makes me forget my own name. “Are you ready to get back to work?” she asks as we walk across the street.

“Always. Although, I’ll be working on the figures not the coffee.”

“Speaking of that.” A nervous curiosity is written all over her face.

“I’m trying not to upset you, Ivy.”

“I understand, but not knowing feels like shit.”

“Okay, so we’ll go in and I’ll explain the numbers. The staff should be able to handle the café until we close.”

“Are you sure?” I love the way her eyes lit up at the idea. Fuck, I’m not so sure I can control the lust pounding through my veins.

“You have two employees, plus the two I brought in. It’s sufficient enough to do the work and prep for tomorrow. According to the schedule, you work alone after two, which to me is unacceptable, so Marie and Claudia will help you close.”

“I just don’t have the money to pay people.”

“You will, once we clean up the debts and the embezzlement stops.”

“I can only hope.”

“I promise,” I say as I pull open the door, holding it for her.

“So how was lunch?” her employee, who I don’t care for, asks. Her smile is fake, almost vicious underneath that mask. She won’t be alone with Ivy again.

“It was filling.” She doesn’t go into details, and I wonder if it’s because she senses the same thing I do. “We’re going to be working on the books. It’s time for you to clock out, though. Have a great day, Ella,” she finishes in a chipper voice.

As soon as we greet and walk past everyone and into the office, I slam the door closed and pin her to it. My mouth is on hers and her hands fly into my hair, tugging as we kiss. A knock on the wood behind us ends our intimate, out-of-control moment.

“Yes,” Ivy calls out, adjusting her shirt and trying to get out of my grip, but I don’t give two fucks who’s on the other side of the door at the moment.

“I’m off tomorrow. I just wanted you to remember that.”

Snarling against Ivy’s neck, I bite her collarbone softly. “Okay. See you Monday.” She stands there for a moment longer before her footsteps trail away.

“We need to work, and you need to keep your hands to yourself.”

“Well, I can’t help the way your perceptiveness turns me on.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t like that woman, and when we came back, your attitude toward her changed as you can tell she’s fucking cunt.”

“Not a nice word, but you’re right. I didn’t like the way she was looking at you earlier, and then when we came back, her smile couldn’t have been more full of shit.”

“See? That’s fucking sexy.” I kiss her again, and she nudges me away with an attempt of a grimace.

“Mr. Bianchi, please get to showing me how to improve my business.”

“Our business.”

“Does that mean your brother owns it—and me?”

“Watch your mouth, little girl. I think you want your ass spanked. And no. I bought out your stepfather’s debt from the family.”


“That’s ridiculous. Why?”

“Because I wanted to. Now, do you want to learn, or do you want to argue with me all day.” She pauses, twisting her lips as she weights her options while tapping her finger on her chin. “I suppose you want my hands on your ass, Ivy.”

“It’s not my fault I’m horny right now. You’re to blame.”

“Back at you, Sugar. My dick hasn’t gone down since we met without me stroking it to thoughts of you in all the most erotic positions.”

“Ugh. I hate you,” she says, clenching her thighs together before going to take a seat at the desk. I stand beside her, leaning down where I can see into her blouse. She tilts her head up. “Like what you see?”

“You know I do.”

“Just so you know, I love this bra. You have great taste.”

“I’ve got nothing to do with that. It was all Aria and my mother who did the shopping.”

“I had a feeling she’s the one who filled my closet. She really loves to shop.”

“Yes, well, Aria was trapped in her house for years, so having girl time is her favorite hobby. Now, onto the numbers.”

After three hours, Ivy’s eyes are rolling back in her head from complete boredom. “Sweetheart, why don’t you show the girls how to close up. I’ll finish, and then we can head home.” She doesn’t argue or even give me shit for the endearments because she can’t wait to get away from the numbers. It’s too damned cute.