“Who is the soon-to-be dead motherfucker?”

“I don’t know. I think it’s time we had a talk with her stepfather again. There’s no way in hell anyone is touching a hair on her head.”

“Calm yourself. You know damn well we’ll get this shit straightened out.”

“I want to shoot that asshole as soon as he gives us names,” I say, keeping my voice low but my meaning crystal clear.

“We’ve been over this, Niccolò.”

“He left a bruise on her arm.” Rage beats in my chest thinking that he could harm my precious Ivy, who is less than half his size. If Billy boy had to deal with a man like me, he wouldn’t dare put a hand on my woman. In fact, he cried like a bitch by the time I was done with him.

“Okay. He’s ticking all the marks, but you don’t want her to hate you for it. So, I’ll speak to him for now. You deal with the business and getting that girl to eat.”

“Some people are naturally slender.”

“I know. My wife is nosy. She’s been asking more and more about her, so she knows Ivy hasn’t had money for food and doesn’t eat at work for fear of losing more profits.”

“Holy shit, your wife could be a detective.”

“Yes. After all the shit we put her through over the years, she doesn’t play anymore. I think Mama has been a bad influence on her.”

“Who has been a bad influence?” Aria’s voice rings through the phone.

“Shit. I’ve gotta go. I’ll take care of him. Good luck,” he whispers on the phone.

“Same to you.” I laugh and end the call. Aria’s going to get pissy, but I’m sure he’s fine. There’s no sound coming from the living room, but my security hasn’t gone off. When I step into the living room, my sweet girl is sleeping with half a plate of pasta on her lap.

“Shit.” I take the plate before it falls.

“Sugar, I need to get you to bed.”

“I’m too tired tonight.” She sighs, clinging to me, resting her head on my chest. It feels too right, and it’s going to kill me to let her sleep alone but that’s what I promised her.

“That’s what beds are for, Ivy. It’s bedtime.”

“Wait, I didn’t finish my garlic bread,” she says, trying to reach for it.

“Okay. We’ll take it with us.” I bend down and pick up the container.

“Thank you, Professor.”


“We didn’t know what you did for a living, but you have something sexy and nerdy going, so you’re like a hot professor.”

“I need to know which professors you think are hot so I can kill them.”

“I didn’t go to college, silly.”

“Good. No professors for you.” I press my lips to her temple and set her on the bed. “Except for me. I’ll be your only instructor.”

As soon as I leave her in the room with her garlic bread on the nightstand, she doesn’t make another sound. I listen and peek through the door to see her sleeping. She’s beat. I have a couple of calls to make, and then I’ll get her nice and tucked in.

After packing away some food and setting a plate for myself, I call up our surveillance company for a late-night job. There’s no way in hell I’m going to let her be there without added security.

Chapter Six


The sun is up. “The sun is up!” Panic floods right through me. I’m wrapped up in sheets that aren’t mine, and then yesterday comes to mind. Niccolò brought me here, and I started to eat but fell asleep. Oh my God. I demanded to bring bread to bed. I look over at the still uneaten pieces and close my eyes, tipping my head to the sky. Could I have been any more ridiculous?

Shit. I have to open the café before there’s a revolt. Where is my phone? I climb out of bed, wearing my clothes from yesterday, but my worn-out bra is on the floor. Please tell me I didn’t take it off in front of him.

A knock at the door startles me. “Yes?”

“Can I come in?” a woman’s voice says, throwing me for a loop. I tuck the bra under the sheets, hoping she doesn’t notice I’m braless. What if he’s married? Would he bring me here if he was?

“Um…” The door opens before I can say yes. It’s Aria with a little baby in her arms. Oh God, they’re married. I think I’m going to be sick. Then I remember he said Aria’s his sister-in-law. My brain is fuzzy.

“Hi, Ivy. Sorry to intrude like this, but men are stupid sometimes. I told Nico that I’d take you to the café.”

“It’s probably shut down by now with people picketing it.”

“Nope. It’s open and I got my coffee this morning, so I chewed him out when I heard you weren’t in and he didn’t let you know.”