“I can’t go with you.”

“Well, you are. Remember that whole owning thing?” I wink at her and start driving.

“Yes, but that’s just the business.”

“Until we’re even, it’s not. Don’t worry, though—fucking you will not be on the cards and isn’t part of the process, but I refuse to let you out of my sight, so you’ll be staying at my condo.”

“What the hell? What about my clothes? Did you sneak into my apartment and take them too?”

“I didn’t steal your clothes. I bought you new clothes.”

“How do you know my size?”

“I didn’t say I didn’t look at your clothes in your apartment, but after the lack of electricity this morning, I decided it was best to leave everything where it was. By the way, you can’t stay there anymore, anyway. It’s infested with rats.”

“What? That’s crazy. I try to keep it clean.”

When we come to a stop, I pull out the paper from my inside pocket and hand it to her. “No one said you didn’t, but there was a notice on your door about a rat problem around the building.” I might have been the one to put it on the door, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“Son of a bitch. This is only getting better. I’ve been sold to a mobster, other thugs are hunting me down, and all the while I have no food, no electricity, and now rats.”

“Calm down, Ivy. This is all about to look up.” We arrive at my condo building, and I pull into my car park. I park in my spot and then turn to her. “We’re home.”

“Are you serious? You live here?”

“Yes. Now come on. The food will be here shortly.” I take her hand, and we enter my private elevator, which is only for the top condo. As I unlock the door, I press my hand to the small of her back and lead her into our home.

“This place is pretty sweet.”

“Thank you. Come, sit down and relax. I’m sure you’re tired since you’ve been up probably well before the sun.”

“How did you know that?”

“Sweetheart, you own a café that opens before the sun fully rises, and it takes about forty-five minutes to take the train into work.”

“Okay, so you got me there.” She yawns, covering her mouth with her hand so cutely as she sits. As much as I want her to rest, I need her to eat. It’s clear she’s not eating. Her face shows it. Just three days ago, she had more color and her cheeks weren’t so hollowed out. My poor girl. After finding out they had no power and the only food left was spoiled, I suspected that she’d been going without food.

“What would you like to drink?”

“Water, please.” I let her get away with it for now because we’re about to have dinner, but she’s been living off water. I noticed she doesn’t drink coffee. It’s a weird thing to see for someone who owns a café.

I bring out water and a pop out for myself, along with some plates and silverware.

“These are very nice,” she says, pointing to the plates.

“Yes, my mother picked them out when I first moved in here.”

My phone goes off, and it’s Enrico with the food. I buzz him in and he brings the food inside, keeping his eyes down and away from Ivy. He’s a good guy, but I’m a bit crazy, it would seem.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Miss.”

“Thank you, Enrico. You can go home for the night.” I walk Enrico to the door, so that I can ensure it’s locked up. “Good luck, Niccolò.”

I wink and say, “I’m going to need it.”

“Have fun.” He leaves with a grin on his face.

When I come back into the room, she’s still sitting there, biting on her bottom lip but hasn’t opened a single bag. “Don’t wait for me. Please start eating.”

“Sorry, I just don’t know where to start.” I open some of the bags, taking out entrees when I find what I’m looking for.

“Here, taste this.” It’s their famous garlic bread, and it’s magnificent. I stretch out my hand and extend the food to her soft mouth. As she bites down, a moan slips past her lips, and my dick immediately reacts. A growl comes from somewhere in the room, and it takes me a second to understand it’s coming from me. Her beautiful, bright eyes widen in shock.


“It’s delicious.” Ivy takes the rest of it from me with a devilish grin.

I need some air before I maul her. “I need to make a call. Please eat.” I step out of the room and into my office to call Dom.

“Hey, what’s going on? How did she take the news?”

“Let’s just say she’s not pleased, but there’s another problem. A stage-four asshole came up to her and demanded money or he’s going to take it out on her. So, he owes money to more people than just us.”