“Why?” She sobs into her hands, crying softly and honestly. My poor girl deserves so much more. She doesn’t wait for me to respond which is good because I’m not sure she’d believe me when I’d say how much I love her. She stiffens up her spine and grabs some of the documents off the desk. Her hands shake as she attempts to go back to work.

Standing, I begin pacing as I attempt to calm down. Needing to speak with my brother, I grab my phone and shoot a text to Dom. I need to talk to you later tonight. More problems.

He replies within twenty seconds, Call when you’re ready.

Nodding, I tuck it back in my pants pocket. When I look at Ivy again, she’s taken my seat this time as if she was just itching for me to hop out of it. Stubborn, frustrating, absolutely enchanting woman.

Leaning over her desk, I press my hand on the paper in front of her. With tired, sad eyes, Ivy looks up at me, and I say, “Enough for the night.”

“I’m not done. There is just so much to do.” No matter how much she insists, I won’t budge. She wants to pull her hair out, but I can’t let her stress like this. With my skills, I could organize this in the morning, and the rest of the problems we’ll work on.

“That can wait until morning,” I explain, pulling the papers away and sliding them into the file folder I created for the invoices.

“I work in the morning.”

Smiling at her, I remind her why I’m here. “Yes, but I will take care of it.”

“Don’t you have a job?” Yes. One that I love, but some things are more important, especially her.

Ivy just does something to me where I just want to laugh. I don’t understand the feelings this woman evokes in me, but I love them. “Yes, but this is one part of it. My brother wants his money back and trusts in my ability to make it happen.”

“If we’re bleeding money, then…”

I swipe her thread-bare sweater off the coat stand in the corner and hold it out to her. “Enough. Let’s go. You need some food in your body. What did you eat today?” She pauses to think about it, but she fails to come up with something quick enough for my tastes. I walk around the other side of the desk so I’m directly behind her sexy body and I slide one arm in, forcing to be dressed by me or doing it herself. She goes for the second option to save some dignity.

“We’re going.” I pull out my phone and call Enrico who was waiting outside for me. “Tell them I want double my normal order from Mama Donna and bring it to my condo. Please.”

“Sure.” I end the call and tuck my phone away, so I can easily reach my gun.

“You have people waiting to do your bidding?” she asks, grabbing her messenger bag and slinging it over her shoulder. I take it from her and put it over my shoulder.

“Yes and no. They work for the family. My brother is the boss, and my cousin is his second. I’m third.”

“Why would your cousin outrank you?” It’s a common question since we’re all close in age, but once they meet us, they understand.

“Because I’m a math nerd who spends my day with my head in the books.”

“Wow, so you don’t get bothered?”

“No, we’re tight, and it’s not a big deal. I sure as fuck don’t want anything to happen to them. Now lock up, so I can feed you.” She closes her office with a simple push button lock. I don’t like it because it’s easy to break into. I scan the back room for the first time and don’t see any hint of security systems.

“You need cameras in here,” I remark while I stand at the back door.

“I trust my employees.”

Shaking my head, I invade her space, causing her to back into one of the steel counters. “Honey, I could have my way with you right here and no one would know.”

“Why? Do you like an audience?” She crosses her arms, huffing out in pure jealousy. Little does she know that it’s wasted energy.

I close the distance and then brush my fingers down the side of her cheek to her pulse. “When I get you naked, not a soul will be around because every inch of you belongs to me, including every moan, scream, and body shaking orgasm.”

She blushes and doesn’t have a quick retort. She locks up, but the security is absolute shit and she doesn’t even know it. Pressing my hand to the small of her back, I lead her to my Mercedes.

I hold open my car door. “Please get in.” She does so without hesitation. Although as soon as I get into the driver’s seat and start my sleek ride, she panics.