“There,” Étienne said, when I had taken his cock to its hilt. “Doesn’t that feel good?”

Slowly, Étienne and Raphael stroked in and out of me, matching their pace to each others’. Sensation rolled over me in waves, alternating hot and cold. At my mouth, Alexandre picked up his pace. “Do you like that?” he asked as his cock hit the back of my throat. “You like taking three cocks at once?”

I couldn’t move, pinned as I was between their three bodies, could only lay immobile and allow the pleasure to take me to new heights. My orgasm seemed to go on and on, until I thought it might never stop. As the last wave shuddered through me, Raphael and Étienne both came with a shout, Alexandre not far behind them.

Slowly, carefully, the four of us extracted ourselves from our tangle and collapsed across my bed, breathing heavily, covered in a slight sheen of sweat. Sleepily, I snuggled against Alexandre’s shoulder, feeling Raphael spooning me from behind. I sighed happily. “This is so nice,” I said, my voice slightly muffled against Alexandre’s shoulder.

Étienne chuckled. “‘Nice’ is putting it mildly.”

Nestled comfortably between the bodies of the three men, I allowed myself to doze in and out. My time at Castle Villeneuve had been eventful, to say the least, but more than anything I was grateful to have had the chance to meet and get to know each of the men who resided here.

Loyal Bernard, who had protected Jacques when they were children and had dropped everything to help his friend in his time of need; Isiah, who quietly demonstrated his love and care for the other men by making sure they were well fed and happy; Étienne, a natural-born leader who always had a kind or heartening word for anyone who needed it; boyish Raphael, who never seemed more at home than when he was roughhousing with the castle dogs; Vincent, whose work around the castle never seemed to cease, who nevertheless always had time for a chat over a nice cup of tea; Alexandre, the castle’s go-to man for anything handy, whose care for his beloved roses revealed a gentleness hidden behind his tough-guy exterior.

And Jacques. What could be said about Jacques? There was a depth there that I suspected I was just beginning to plumb. When I’d first arrived, I couldn’t imagine what the other men saw in him that made them willing to give up the rest of their lives to stay locked up in this castle, but I was beginning to understand. Jacques possessed a quiet kindness that inspired loyalty. Though he tried to disguise it behind a protective layer of gruffness, I knew that any one of his men would die for him, and he for them. I only hoped that I could get through to him, show him that I could be trusted, before it was time for me to leave.

Because I would have to leave, and probably sooner than I would like to. This had been a wonderful vacation, but I had responsibilities that sooner or later, I would need to return to. Another week, maybe two, and I would need to go back home.

My heart sank, but I knew I would need to tell them. Not yet, though. Tomorrow over dinner, maybe. For now, it was enough to just enjoy the company of my men.

The distant sound of a phone ringing interrupted my reverie. The three men had dozed off around me, limbs thrown haphazardly across bodies. The phone stopped ringing, and I snuggled deeper into Alexandre’s side. Just a little nap, that sounded nice.

Rapid footsteps approached my door, followed by a sharp rapping. “Isabel?” Vincent cracked the door open. He didn’t blink an eye to find me naked in bed with three men. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but your sister is on the phone. She sounded quite urgent.”

I scrambled out of bed, disturbing the men around me, who grumbled and rubbed their eyes. “Which sister?” I asked, heart pounding, though it didn’t really matter. Whichever sister it was, it meant something bad had happened. How did she have the castle number? Why hadn’t she called my cell directly? Then I remembered; I’d put my phone on airplane mode to avoid Luis’ calls. I cursed under my breath, tripping in my haste to get dressed, to cover myself.

“I believe she said her name was Patricia,” Vincent said, suddenly at my side, offering his arm in support as I struggled into a pair of pajama pants.

“What’s going on?” Étienne asked, fully awake now. “Is something wrong?”

“I don’t know,” I told him. “Maybe.” I looked at Vincent. “The phone?”

Vincent nodded towards the door. “On the hall table outside.”

I ran to retrieve it, pulling a t-shirt over my head as I went.

“Patsy?” I said as I picked up the handset. Vaguely, in the back of my mind, I wondered how long it had been since I’d last held a landline phone. Castle Villeneuve truly was from a different time. “What’s going on? Is it Papa? Did something happen?”