He understood her hesitation when it came to mating, he honestly did. But her rejection of him, of them, was the worst feeling in the world.

“I thought I would find you here.”

David turned to see Mika, Heather’s sister, coming out of the forest edge. She was completely clothed as she took a seat beside him.

“I didn’t want any company.”

“I know. I heard.”

“You’re sneaking around listening in on conversations that don’t concern you?” he asked.

“Always.” She sighed. “If I don’t sneak around, I never learn the truth, and that sucks big time. People are always trying to keep me safe.”

“That’s because you need to be kept safe.”

“Do you love Heather?” Mika asked.

David took a deep breath and turned to look at her sister. “I don’t think that’s a question you should be asking me.” He didn’t want to talk to her sister.

She tucked some hair behind her ear and nodded. “I know. There’s a lot of stuff I shouldn’t get involved in, but I feel like I should be the one to tell you things anyway.”

He wasn’t in the mood for talking. “I didn’t come all the way out here to talk.” The fact he was having to attempt to hide his nudity was more than enough for him.

“Oh, I know. You want to be alone. I’ve noticed a lot of people want to be alone when they’re miserable.”

“So why don’t you head back to the house? That would be great.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen. I want to help you and Heather.”

He ran a hand down his face. “We don’t need help.”

Mika snorted. “You guys have been through the mating heat. That should be the moment you’re both so happy and planning the wedding, finishing each other’s sentences and all of that. My sister is on her bed, crying. You’re out here, talking to yourself, staring at nothing for answers. Believe me when I say this, you both need my help, like sooner rather than later.”

If he just ignored her, she would eventually go away.

“You can stare up at the sky all you want and pretend not to hear me. I get it. What can I know? I’m just Heather’s sister. Probably the last person you want to see, but she’s been different lately. You don’t know it, but I do. She has always been the good sister. The one who followed the pack. Never made waves. Did as she was told. I don’t know if you know this, but Heather has wanted to find her mate since she was a little girl. She planned the wedding. She had this notebook of what she wanted her mate to be like. They were long stupid lists of kind and smart, but ferocious. How he would love her above everyone and everything else, because she was completely devoted to him.”

“That’s not the woman I know,” he said.

“Exactly. Ever since Heather found you, she hasn’t been like the person she claimed to be.” Mika growled. “Don’t you see? You’re not getting the real Heather. She is … terrified.”

“Why? I’m not going to hurt her.”

“Men are so fucking stupid.” She growled. “She’s still suffering from the attack, stupid. She might have PTSD, I think that’s what people call it. We’re wolves, right? Have you ever heard of a wolf having to deal with it?”


“I’m not a doctor. I don’t know for sure if that’s what’s wrong or if she’s just being a giant pain in the ass and making you work for it. Believe me, David, Heather is not herself. Ask our uncle. We’re the only ones who know the real Heather, and well, in the attack, our stuff got destroyed. I don’t think the notebook with all of her hopes and dreams made it.” Mika looked up to the sky. “I love my sister. Please, don’t give up on her. She’s been through a lot, and you may not feel it now, but she does love you, so much.”

Mika got to her feet, and he didn’t call out to her or ask her to come back.

He gave one last lingering look at the night’s sky, stood, and took off back home.

No one was around when he arrived.

He’d already picked up his clothes, and made his way into the house, going straight to his room. After a quick shower, he dried his body and then left his room to go toward Heather’s.

David placed his hand on her door.

He felt her presence. She was already part of him.

The first whimper had him tensing. The second, he gripped the handle of the door and opened it.

Heather lay in bed, thrashing back and forth. The whimper turned to a scream. He closed the door and moved to the bed, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her in close. “I’ve got you,” he said.

Within seconds, she settled in his arms. He’d chased her nightmares away.