Page 22 of Dirty Little Secret

She wipes her eyes and inhales a shuddery breath. “Let’s just start with the nachos.”

Chapter Eleven


Holy crap—today’s move-in day!

“Are you sure I can’t drive you?” Mom asks, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

I clutch my keys tighter in my palm and smile up at her. “I’m sure.”

“But won’t you need help moving everything in?”

“Orion’s bringing my cabinet by later, and the rest is just a few bags and boxes. I’ve got it.”

Mom sighs and glances at the clock. She, like all of the women in our family for generations back, is a teacher at one of the local elementary schools. She typically leaves the house at seven-fifteen on the dot and it’s already half past.

“You’ll still come home to visit, right?”

“I’m literally going to be five minutes away.”

She pulls me from her side into a full-blown hug. “I know, but you’re my baby.”

And therein lies the problem—I am the baby. Mom and Dad’s baby girl. Orion’s baby sister. My small stature doesn’t help either. I’m so tired of being the baby. I’m ready to just be Stella.

“You’ll still see me all the time.”

“I know.” She sniffles and presses a kiss to the top of my head before pulling away. “I don’t want to leave you.”

“It’s okay, Mom. I’m good. I’m gonna grab breakfast and then head over to campus.”

“Text me once you’re there?”

“I will.” I hug her again and then walk her to the door.

“And after you meet your roommate.”

“I will, Mom.”

“And let me know if you need anything.”

My lips twitch. “I will, Mom.”

“You can come home anytime, okay?”

I lose the battle and my smile breaks free. “I know, Mom, now go or you’ll be late.”

“Okay,” she sighs as she opens the front door. “I love you, Stella.”

“Love you too,” I murmur, closing it behind her.

Dad and I said our goodbyes last night after he helped me load the bulk of my stuff into my car. He’s a big ball of mush and left for work early this morning to avoid watching me leave.

God bless my parents; you’d think I was headed to an out-of-state school and not right down the road. They mean well though, and they love me; even if their love is a little smothering at times.

I bound up the stairs to my room. It’s looked the same since middle school, with soft pink walls, pink bedding, and white wicker furniture. It’s fine—for a little girl. My tastes have matured a bit since then, so needless to say, when my dad handed me his credit card and told me to get everything I needed for my dorm, I went a little overboard.

Excitement zips through me at the thought of setting up my room. Sure, it’s small and I’ll be sharing the space with a stranger, but it will be mine, and that’s all that matters.

I give my childhood room one last look, cringing at the explosion of pink before grabbing my purse and laptop. In the kitchen, I scribble a note for my parents on the chalkboard, telling them I love them, and then, I’m out the door and on my way.

To college. Holy crap! I’m going to college!

I wipe my hands on my shorts and stand back and assess my work. The oversized purple duvet looks like a dream and my string lights give the small room a cheery glow. But it’s the pictures of my family and garden on the wall that I really love.

Because for all my whining about becoming independent, they’re still an integral part of me.

My phone dings with an incoming text and I dig it out of my back pocket.

Orion: I’m here. What number again?

Me: 303

Five minutes later, there’s a knock on my door. I rush through the suite to let Orion in.

“Where do you want this thing?”

“In my room. Back wall, right corner.”

He nods and wheels my cabinet in on his dolly, expertly navigating around the furniture in the living area. “What is this thing anyway?”

“A greenhouse.”

My brother rolls his eyes. “Only you, Smalls.”

“Shut up.” I nudge him with my shoulder.

“You shut up.” He returns the gesture. “This place is pretty sweet.”

“Right?” I bounce on the balls of my feet as another burst of excitement surges through me.

“You met your roommate yet? Is she hot?”

“No, I don’t know, and so help me God, you will stay away from her.”

“Why? Scared she’ll fall for me?”

“More like scared you’ll break her heart and then make my entire time here with her unbearable.”

He shrugs. “Same thing.”

“You’re such a dog.”

“What?” He cups a hand around his ear. “I’m the best big brother ever? Thanks, Smalls.”

“Yeah, yeah. Love you.”

He flicks my forehead. “Back atcha. Be good.”

“I’ll be as good as you,” I tease, knowing it’ll rile him up.

“Fuck that. You act like me and I’ll have Mom and Dad haul your ass home quicker than you can blink.”