“Yeah, it was.” Cleanup done, he graced me with a gentle kiss on the mouth. “Now, tell me we get to do that again.”

“Hell yes we do.” And there it was, that entanglement that came with continuing to make promises to Arthur, the risks in keeping this thing going. A smarter guy would put an end to this, but not me. All I could do was hope that the next time came quickly, before common sense caught up with me.

Chapter Eighteen


“I can fake it.” Making my voice as seductive as possible, I nuzzled against Derrick’s chest. Like the prior night, he’d wrapped me up in a full-body embrace sometime in the night, but this time, we were both naked. Consequently, I was in even less of a mood to rouse myself from the bed simply because the breakfast gong had sounded.

“I know.” Derrick groaned and kissed the top of my head. “But we’re already lying about so much.”

“I don’t see how adding a pretend sprained ankle or something else that conveniently disappears later is another black mark on our souls.” I didn’t mean to come off as super cranky, so I kept my voice light. All I wanted was to maximize what little time I’d get with Derrick this week. “And it means we can stay right here.”

“Mmm.” He held me tighter, hard cock pressing against my side. “Right here is pretty great.”

“It is.” The sex had been so good that my insides were still all warm and trembly at the memory. I’d had make-out sessions before, but nothing had prepared me for the all-consuming need I felt with Derrick, the way he swamped all my senses, and how much more connected and alive I felt than with solo orgasms. And there was so, so much more I wanted to try with him. We’d ended up kissing and rubbing off again before sleep, but there was still vast uncharted territory I wanted to explore while I had the chance.

That in mind, I rolled, pushing Derrick more to his back, so I could—

Bong. The stupid gong rang again followed by loud voices. “French toast!”

“Oh. Haven’t had that in a while.” Derrick’s stomach let out a growl as he started to sit up. “Sorry. Guess you made me work up an appetite.”

“Not gonna apologize for that.” I grinned at him and moved out of the way so he could sit the rest of the way up, even as I wanted to shove him back down and show him what hungry really was.

“Bus to the trailhead leaves soon!” A booming voice sounded as people passed by our cabin.

“We’re going to be on it, aren’t we?” I moaned as Derrick stood up, leaving the bed that much colder and emptier.

“Might as well.” He shrugged like hiking held equal appeal to a sex-filled morning spent sleeping in. “Maybe it’ll be fun?”

“Not as fun as last night,” I grumbled as I too left the cozy bed behind.

“Few things are.” Derrick gave me a wink as he rummaged in his bag for clothes.

“I can think of about a dozen more things I want to try.” Reluctantly giving up on convincing Derrick to go back to bed, I found fresh clothes of my own.

“Only a dozen?” Wrapping me up in a hug from behind, he kissed the back of my neck. Him cuddly was a gift that I didn’t want to waste, yet he released me before I could tumble us both onto the bed.

“Not too late to fake a hangover or headache yourself,” I called as he headed toward the bathroom.

“Calder knows I was sober when I left the card game.” Smiling, he pointed at the bathroom door. “Come on, it’s a double sink. We can share brushing our teeth and then let’s get you fed.”

Getting ready together felt all cozy and domestic even if I failed to talk Derrick into shower fun. Damn being a responsible adult. At least the French toast was tasty and the coffee strong. We’d ended up at a table with Taylor and the twins again, and the kids finished their food in record time.

“Watch this, Uncle Arthur!” Taylor called as I came back from getting a food refill. Beaming at me, he did a pretty good approximation of the footwork I’d shown them the night before.

“Huh. Guess they actually were paying attention,” I said to Derrick as I sat back down. Taylor and the twins kept practicing, humming the song. They were a little off-key and bungled some of the lyrics, but it was still adorable to see them trying.

“Of course they listened.” Derrick nodded with the authority of a guy who could command a room anytime he chose. Still, his praise made me even warmer than the coffee. “You picked a good song too. All kids need a self-esteem boost.”

“It’s the parents I’m trying to get through to.” I cast a glance over to where Oliver and Roger were eating with some of the cousins and their wives.