“Let’s use them both.” I laughed wickedly as I shrugged out of my shirt. “After I wash you all over.”

“Yes, please,” Derrick gasped as I pulled his shirt up enough to stroke his bare sides. He leaned in for another kiss, this one full of dirty promises I intended to hold him to. We both wiggled out of our remaining clothes. After we were naked, I set the water to hot and grabbed the soap and shampoo from the sink.

“Don’t be alarmed if the water turns gray,” he joked as he climbed in the shower, groaning like we were already having sex.

“If it does, I’ll just wash you again.” I climbed in behind him and shut the curtain as he made another orgasmic noise. “That good, huh? Going to trade me in for a showerhead with decent water pressure?”

“You have no idea.” He turned so his back could get some spray. It was a cramped fit and I wasn’t getting very wet, but hell if I was going to complain. Instead, I unwrapped the soap and started sudsing up his chest.

“How are you more muscled after weeks under water, not less?” His already impressive chest was possibly even more firm and his biceps seemed bigger too.

“Nothing to do but work out.” He groaned and stretched into my touch. “Damn that feels so good. Entirely possible I might get off simply from soap bubbles and your touch.”

“Please don’t,” I said sternly. “I have big plans for you.”

“Big plans, huh?” Stopping my lathering with his hands on mine, he found my mouth for another kiss so hot that I stopped caring about chilly air and lack of water. I gave myself over to his mouth until we were both panting, hard cocks brushing against each other, hands clutching.

My back had goose bumps but not only from the cold. His lips were like a large cold brew after days without caffeine, and I sucked down everything he gave me like it was the last drink on earth. And somewhere between thirsty kisses I managed to soap his arms and back.

“You too.” He stole the soap from me and proceeded to lather me up.

“Hey! I had a shower this morning,” I protested as he moved so I could rinse.

“Yeah, but I didn’t get to do the scrubbing.” He gave a wolfish grin.

“Well, in that case...” I stretched my arms so he could have his fun.

“Missed you.” His tone was almost reverent as his hands skimmed down my torso. He didn’t touch my cock, but it strained toward him nonetheless.

“Missed you too.”

“Parts of you more than others?” he teased.

“All of me.” My voice was all breathy as he soaped my ass. I rinsed then angled myself so he could have more hot water. “Damn, this is cramped.”

“Don’t talk to me about tight spaces.” He made another of those near-sexual groans again before shampooing his hair.

“I was going to do that for you!” I pretended to scold him, which was really simply another excuse for a kiss.

“Sorry. Getting desperate to try out one of those beds.”

“Who needs a bed?” I moved closer, cock dragging against his side. I’d be more than happy to get him off now then work on a repeat later. But right as he dipped his head to kiss me, the hot water sputtered, leaving us with a tepid spray.

“On second thought, bed. Now,” I ordered.

“Aye, aye, Captain.” He saluted me before flipping off the shower. We sped through drying off, giggling like teenagers as we raced to the closest bed. Tumbling onto the bed next to his bag, we landed in a happy pile of limbs and towels. Sprawled on his back, Derrick tugged me more fully on top of him, moaning softly as I settled against him.

“Okay. Totally on board the no-talking plan now.” He gave a tight laugh as he encouraged me to rock against him, grip firm on my hips.

“Me too. Shut up and kiss me should be the new plan.”

“I like it.” Bucking upward to meet my rhythm, he found my mouth for another blistering kiss.

Not satisfied with our mouths having all the fun, I broke away to pepper his jaw and neck with kisses, rediscovering some of my favorite spots on him, the ones where his aftershave still lingered and the ones that made him gasp and writhe.

As I explored, he did too, hands roving all over my back and ass. He traced my crack with devious fingers, making me need to move faster. And making me need something else too.

“Seriously regretting not packing lube in my pocket this morning.” Even my laugh was strained.

“I grabbed some when I went up to my room to change.” Derrick fumbled for his bag.

“Bless you,” I said as he came up triumphant with a small bottle.

“Kiss me.” Slicking up his fingers, he proceeded to torment me on dual fronts, mouth hot and needy against mine and slippery fingers teasing me open.