“Hey.” I tried to sound as casual as I’d told Sabrina this thing was, but my heart was busy tap-dancing over how damn good Derrick looked. It had only been a few days since I’d seen him, but he’d had a haircut since then and his black T-shirt stretched over his chest in an extra-sexy way. I narrowly refrained from licking him in the entryway.

“Hey.” He sounded as dazed as me, and we just stood there stupidly grinning at each other until he held up a white bag. “I picked up bread from the bakery by the bus stop.”

“No car?”

“Nah, not worth the car ferry and parking hassle when the bus option is almost as quick.” He shrugged and let me shut the door behind him. “Anyway, I was thinking I could make soup if you didn’t want to order out again.”

“You want to cook for me? I’m not turning that down.” I smiled at him. And yeah, the bread alone was proof this wasn’t strictly casual, but I couldn’t be bothered to care. Derrick wanted to cook for me, and dating him—hell, just smiling at him like this—felt so damn good. “But we should probably be nice and make enough for the other guys when they come in.”

“They’re not here now?” His smile widened.

“No. Liam mainly telecommutes, but he had an in-office meeting today. They should both be back pretty soon, though. And you just missed Sabrina.”

“We’ll have to hurry.” He grabbed my hand.

“Hurry?” I made a surprised noise as he hauled me down the hall. “Wait, where are you taking me?”

I had a good feeling, but making him say it was fun too.

“To that tiny bed of yours.” He winked at me as we reached my room.

“Sorry. I know it’s crowded.” Locking the door behind us, I pulled him to me. The room definitely felt smaller than usual with him in it, and his nearness combined with the yummy scent of his aftershave made him the focal point instead of my musical clutter.

“I’m used to it. Besides, I like crowded with you.” He gave me a soft kiss, a greeting that had me sighing with its sweetness. “And at least in your bed, we don’t have to strap in.”

“You have to strap yourself in on the sub?”

“Yep. Every time unless you like concussions and broken collarbones. Everything gets strapped down.” Eyes flashing devilishly, he pulled my shirt loose from my shorts. “At first it was hard to sleep so confined, but now I’m used to it. And as it turns out, it was good practice for you.”

“I’m not the one who turns into a baby koala in his sleep.” Laughing, I helped him remove my shirt, then turned my attention to his clothing.

“Maybe I was just trying to get back the covers you stole.” After shrugging out of his shirt, he neatly draped it and mine both over the back of my office chair.

“I miss the bed at the cabin.” I used his belt loop to pull him back to me so that I could kiss him again.

“I miss that tub.” He kissed me longer this time. By now he knew exactly how to heat us both up, but somehow the familiarity of his mouth was even sexier than it had been brand-new. “But this room is nice too. It’s got you. And later, you’re going to show me your music. Couldn’t do that in the wilderness.”

“True. But I did play your instrument rather nicely there...” I blatantly grabbed for his fly. He’d wanted to hurry and my body was all over that plan.

“You are rather gifted—damn.” He ended on a low groan as I freed his cock.

“You were saying?” I kept my tone casual even as my pulse raced.

“There’s nowhere I’d rather be than right here with you.” Cupping my face, he gave me a kiss so tender that I forgot all about the plan to be fast and simply clung to him.

“That type of sweet talk will get you whatever you want.”

“Show me.” And I did, pushing him onto my bed. As we kissed and moved together, I hoped that what he wanted was me and that I had it in me to give him everything he needed, body and soul, because he deserved it.

Chapter Thirty-One


Arthur had me well-trained. Right as I exited the chow hall, my phone buzzed and right on schedule, my pulse purred like a newly tuned engine even before I saw Arthur’s picture on the message.

It’s your lucky night. Or rather our lucky night. Liam just left on an emergency business trip for Portland, and Craig said this morning that he’s sleeping over at his girlfriend’s house. So just us. All night. As loud as we want.

I laughed aloud. Alert the neighbors, I texted back. I have to check on a few more things here, then I’m all yours.