But there was no time for brooding. We had a show to put on. After we got the kids in a line, I wrote down the order for Arthur so that he’d know who to introduce when, while I handled the music for him.

“I need a better costume,” Seth lamented when I returned to his part of the line. “And Taylor has props.”

“Yeah, but he can’t sing as fast as you. If you do your best, it won’t matter what you’re wearing. Be the best Seth you can be.” I channeled a hefty dose of Arthur in my advice. Be the best you. That was exactly what I’d done all week. It felt like I’d been the best version of myself in a way that maybe I hadn’t been since my early days on the sub. I liked who I was around Arthur and the Euler family. This was who I’d wanted to be with Steve. Maybe Arthur had been right about both of us needing boyfriend practice. Or maybe Steve hadn’t been Arthur.

Across the grass, Arthur straightened Lila’s tutu before showing a different girl how to bow with a flourish. Yup. That was the answer. It wasn’t me. Wasn’t getting boyfriend practice or even this place. It was Arthur. He was magic.

And for his sake, I wanted the show to go as well as he hoped. His family damn well better appreciate all his hard work.

“Everyone ready?” he asked as he retrieved the box of prizes from a nearby stump. “It’s showtime. Don’t forget to smile. And have fun! This is all about having fun.”

“And winning,” Vince added darkly.

“I’m gonna slay you.” Seth bared his teeth at his brother, but Arthur simply gave a patient nod.

“Just by showing up and trying, you’re all winners.” His voice was as reassuring as his demeanor, but the boys rolled their eyes.

“Life’s no fun without a winner,” Vince insisted. He sounded exactly like Calder. How much of my life had I wasted thinking like them? Even now, counting down to my next advancement in rank, my next award or ribbon. My drive to achieve had brought me this far, but had it brought me happiness? I was no longer so sure.

“It’s more fun when you tie.” Arthur shot me a small, secret smile. Hell, I’d lose every bet for the next two years if it meant more smiles like those.

“And when others around you win too,” I added.

“Like your crew.” Taylor nodded sagely, but actually I’d been thinking less of my shipmates and more about how proud I was of Arthur and these kids. In fact, as I helped him lead them into the dining hall, I wasn’t sure I’d ever been this proud or nervous for another person.

“Good luck,” I said as he passed by me on his way to the front of the room, where all the older family members were already waiting.

“Thanks. Tell me I get a reward later that doesn’t involve auto repair.”

“What? I can’t bribe you with a look under my hood?” I joked before touching his hand, voice more serious now. “You get whatever you want.”

I meant it. There wasn’t much I wouldn’t try with him if it made him happy. Him happy meant everything to me.

Thus, it shouldn’t have been that surprising that my stomach kept wobbling and my pulse racing, weirdly nervous for him wanting the event to go off without a hitch.

“Welcome to talent night!” Arthur was cheerful and commanding as he took center stage at the front of the room. He didn’t even need my whistle to get people’s attention. He probably could have wrangled all the kids without me too, but he’d let me help and made me feel necessary. Maybe like me, he simply liked spending time and working together.

That thought made me so warm that I almost missed the cue to start the music for the opening number. It was an upbeat pop number that came from a family movie I’d never seen, but the song was an ode to being oneself. Arthur had ensured that the kids sang loud and clear and his choreography was super cute.

Be yourself. With him I could do exactly that, and watching him be Arthur, dancing and singing with the kids, made my chest expand so far I worried for my ribs. He was exactly who he needed to be, and I wanted him to never change.

He continued to be effervescent as he introduced the little kids who went first. A number of dancers and nervous singers along with some comical animal impressions rounded out the first part of the show.

“Now we have Taylor, who is going to share some impersonations of humans you may recognize.”

Taylor kept to his promise and didn’t do one of his mother, but his ability to mimic Oliver and his grandfather got big laughs. And he slapped on headphones for his “Do you” and “Just have fun” Arthur impression that showed that maybe he’d been listening through all the dance rehearsals.