“Well, if you’re going for full service...” I stretched suggestively, letting my hard cock bob above the water, getting a laugh from us both.

“Maybe I am.” His next kiss was more aggressive, the way he growled and nipped before delving deeply.

“Get in here with me.”

“Some other time. Promise.” He slid his hand lower, palming my cock, making me groan because I had such a love-hate relationship with his promises. “Right now, I wanna get you off like this.”

“But I can’t reach you.” My complaint wasn’t all that convincing because the way he was touching me made me feel like some sort of pampered emperor, and I sure as hell didn’t want him to stop.

“Yup. You’re all mine.” Laughing darkly, he gave me another kiss, this one possessive and commanding. “Last night I really wanted to watch your face when you came, but my eyes shut at the last second and I missed my chance.”

“Hey.” My skin heated, and I ducked my head. “Now you’re making me self-conscious.”

“Don’t be.” He tilted my head up so he could claim my mouth again, before adding, “I think you’re so fucking gorgeous.”

“I’d think you were hotter if you let me get you off too,” I countered.

“Shush. I’ll keep until later.” Nibbling my neck, he coaxed loose another moan from me as his grip on my cock tightened.

“You are the king of delayed gratification.” I’d let him win this round, but later he was going to be all mine, and merely the thought of all I wanted to do to him made me shiver. “I’m going to make it more than worth the wait.”

“Good.” He sped up his hand, water sluicing over my aching cock. “Let me have my fun now, though. Kiss me.”

I did, finding his lips for a clumsy kiss interrupted by more moaning as he added a twist at the top of each stroke that was going to get me there fast.

“Oh. That.”


“So good.” Arching my back, I tried to spur him on. Already my body was far too ramped up for any impulses to draw this out. “Not sure how your hand can feel so much better than mine.”

“Maybe I’m just magic.” Chuckling, he kissed me again, deeper this time, one hand on the back of my neck while the other continued to drive me out of my mind. He was magic all right, and I forgot to be self-conscious about him watching me and instead gave myself over to his touch and his kiss.

“Fuck. Derrick.” My breath came in harsh pants as he jerked me harder. The now-tepid water splashed, some hitting my face, but I was singularly focused on my impending orgasm.

“Yeah, baby,” he urged, voice low and sexy. “Let it happen.”

Didn’t have to ask me twice. I was that close that he didn’t have to change his grip or speed, simply keep kissing and touching me and climax was right there. “Gonna...”

“Do it,” he growled, but I was already coming, crying out and shaking so hard it was a wonder the tub didn’t rattle apart from the force of it. “Damn. I knew it. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. You’re sexy as fuck when you come.”

“Thanks.” Not sure what to do with the compliment, I leaned forward so I could drain the tub in advance of rinsing off with the sprayer. I still couldn’t get over how different climaxing with another person was. If I’d known about this intensity, I would have made sex more of a priority years ago. But then I wouldn’t be here with Derrick, experiencing all this for the first time.

I managed to avoid drenching him as I quickly washed off any lingering traces of bubble bath and the orgasm. I had some scrapes and bruises, but now that the dirt was gone, nothing needed a bandage, and it was mainly my pride that had taken the brunt of the fall.

“Don’t blush.” Derrick handed me a towel as I flipped off the water. “I mean it. You’re so fucking sexy. I’m gonna watch you come again later tonight as well.”

“How about right now?” I pitched my voice low and seductive, not that it ever seemed to work on Derrick. But he said I was sexy, and I certainly felt more attractive in the light of his warm gaze. “Bet I could go for doubles if you let me get you off too.”

“I will.” Predictably, he held up a hand when I would have advanced on him. “After volleyball and dinner.”

“Volleyball?” Stopping to rescue my coffee from the floor, I followed him back into the main room. “I’m supposed to play sports after you reduced my nerve endings to the equivalent of old piano wires?”

“Yup. You are.”

“There are other balls I’d rather play with.” If seduction wasn’t going to work, at least I could bring the jokes.