“Yeah, thanks.” All three of them gave me big grins, and yeah, as it turned out, I didn’t mind having them along nearly as much as I’d feared.

I nabbed the drink and platter-sized brownie I’d bought for Arthur before letting my helper crew distribute the rest of the drinks. Heading back to the cabin, my brain shifted gears from the endless kid questions to thoughts about whether Arthur would be waiting in a towel. Or maybe still be in the tub, all slippery and soapy.

Even better.

Chapter Twenty


“You still soaking?” Derrick called from the other room right as I was about to turn into a waterlogged sponge if I stayed in this tub any longer.

“Yup. You can bring me my drink,” I yelled back, fully expecting him to tell me to come fetch it myself. But the warm water felt so damn good on my sore muscles. My mom had pressed a bag of Epsom salts on me, and Stacey some bubble bath that smelled like pricey herbs.

I felt like a well-seasoned, salt-basted turkey after my long, fragrant soak, but I was in a far better mood than earlier and could grin way more easily when Derrick appeared in the doorway to the bathroom, giant iced coffee in hand.

“Hey, merman. I got you the largest size they had.” He smiled indulgently at me, warming me even more than the water.

“Excellent.” Not about to turn down tub-side service, I wriggled under the water as Derrick brought the drink over. He even held it for me to take a long sip.

“You truly are the best pretend boyfriend ever. Like undercover FBI agent-level good at the ruse.” Beaming at him, I took another drink before he set the cup aside.

“You watch too many bad movies.” Derrick knelt down next to the tub.

“More like I read too much of Sabrina’s alternate universe fan fic.” I laughed as he shifted around, apparently settling in for a chat with me still all bubbly. “Speaking of, are you here to play valet? Going to scrub my back?”

“Does Sabrina write period pieces too?” Picking up the soap from the little tray on the side of the tub, he also reached for a washcloth from the nearby rack.

“Wait.” I held up a hand before he could proceed. “I wasn’t serious.”

“I was. Lean forward.” He pushed on my shoulder.

“Why do you have to be so perfect?” Sighing, I complied and sat forward. I wasn’t stupid enough to turn down a chance to have his hands on me.

“I’m not.” His face was far too serious to be joking with me.

“What? You could have fooled me.” I stretched as he rubbed my back, his firm touch even better than the warm water at relaxing me.

“Ask your brother. I’m known for being a hard-ass on duty and a cranky loner off.”

“I get the loner rep, but you’re nice,” I insisted. He used his thumbs to massage my neck, and I had to bite back a groan. “I’m the one who’s been cranky this week. I don’t know why I can’t seem to enjoy family trips.”

“Maybe it’s because I don’t have the same baggage as you. To me, this is a fun escape. Like visiting a movie set. I’m not the one who had to grow up in the family, though, so I’ve got the luxury of being nice.”

Huh. He wasn’t wrong. There was a whole history here, one that made it hard to simply let go and enjoy the present.

“That’s really astute of you.” Bending more forward, I made it easier for him to rub more of my back. “Now you’re nice and smart.”

“Well, I try on both fronts. Even if the kids think being a smart nerd is overrated.”

“You? A nerd? Never.” I flicked a bubble in his direction.

“Ha. Tell that to Taylor and the twins. And let’s see. I like data and organization, would rather play chess than poker, know all sorts of random trivia thanks to my grandmother’s love of game shows, and I generally play by the rules. I think that makes me a nerd.”

“I think that makes you pretty perfect,” I countered. “All that and you’re hot as fuck too? Damn. It’s a wonder you didn’t have volunteers lined up outside the barracks to be your rebound.”

“Hot, huh?” He leaned in for a soft kiss on my mouth.

“You own a mirror. You know you’re all that.” Even now, Derrick was so damn appealing, the way his brown hair was as rumpled as his T-shirt from the hiking, the gentleness around his eyes and mouth, and the strength in his hands on my shoulders and back.

“You’re full of it.” Eyes twinkling, he gave me another kiss. “And you’re not so bad yourself. You look damn sexy with all those bubbles playing peekaboo with your skin.”

I preened. “You could join me.”

“I could.” He kissed the side of my neck, making me shiver before he snaked a hand down my chest. “Got anywhere else I should rub?”