“Maybe I meant it.” I hung back as we approached where one of the guides was distributing sack lunches.

“Yeah, right.” Arthur’s eye roll was near identical to Oliver’s, and I didn’t get a chance to press my case before one of the aunts was asking for our sandwich preferences.

“Over here.” Calder waved us to the log where his crew was sitting. As I’d suspected, there were zero opportunities to drag Arthur off into the woods for more kissing practice during the lunch break. Calder and our military buddy friends dominated the conversation, and ordinarily I’d enjoy listening to stories about their past adventures, but right then I would have traded all three of them without a second thought for a cabana with a locking door.

And while the kayaking went much smoother on the return trip, my distraction level only increased. Arthur was extra bouncy, celebrating little victories like us sticking with the main group without zigzagging, and the happier he got, the more desperate I became to get him alone and get some of that sunshine for myself.

“See? Kayaking wasn’t so bad, was it?” I asked as we approached the camp’s docks. I spied our cabin among the trees and that made me paddle faster.

“No, it really wasn’t.” Turning his head, Arthur grinned at me. “Not a bad day at all.”

We worked together to return the kayak to the guides waiting on the shore. Wiping my forehead, I whistled low. “At least we had sun for it.”

“Says the guy who doesn’t require SPF 100 to be out in this weather,” Arthur teased as we headed for the path back to the cabins. “And after all that work, I’m desperate for a shower.”

“Me too.” Our cabin still seemed too far away for my tastes. I sped up my steps. “Race you? First one back gets all the hot water.”

Arthur easily matched my pace even as he snorted. “A competition? You really do fit in almost too well with this family. And I’d rather tie you.”


“Then we’d have no choice but to share.”

“True.” Laughing, we both trotted faster, more in sync than we’d been while kayaking, and by the time we reached our little porch, I was filled with an unfamiliar giddy energy, feeling young and alive and even more craving the taste of Arthur’s mouth.

I could have either let him win or beaten him handily, but instead, I made a show of reaching for the door lock at the exact same instant as him. Fate sealed, we crashed into the cabin together, door thumping shut seconds before I pushed him against the wall.

“Okay, now that was fun.” Arthur’s grin was downright edible and he was a most adorable captive as I trapped his hands over his head.

“Yeah, it was.” I leaned in and claimed his mouth. He tasted like sunshine and laughter and mint, and I was done holding back. Inhaling deeply, I let myself get drunk on his coconut scent. I was going to get horny every time I smelled sunscreen after this, and it was going to be worth it. Kissing Arthur was like eating cotton candy, sweet and light, and not nearly enough to fill me up.

Even as I kept the kiss going, I tugged his shirt loose from his shorts and snaked my hand underneath to rest on his side. That first hint of bare skin was absolutely electric and I growled softly.

“I want you so badly I can’t decide between right here and the shower.”

“Both. I vote both,” he panted as I nipped at his neck.

I laughed darkly because we were totally on the same page. “Doubt we have time for both before dinner. But we can make the most of—”

“Fuck.” Arthur cut me off with a pained groan. “Before dinner. I agreed to a rehearsal for the talent show, didn’t I?”

“You did.” Exhaling hard, I released his hands from the wall and stepped back. “It’s okay. A quickie probably wasn’t the smartest thing.”

“It was a fucking brilliant idea. I want all the quickies.” Shaking his head, he made a noise that was half chuckle and half groan.

“Later. We’ll do it right. Promise.” I pressed a fast kiss to his mouth, trying to erase his disappointed expression. “But you probably shouldn’t keep the kids waiting too long.”

“Yeah.” He raked a hand through his hair.

“Do you need my help with the show?”

“Nah. I can put you to work, but it seems like one of us should get a shower. Why don’t you shower fast then join us when you’re done?”

“Okay,” I reluctantly agreed, my body still not happy with the abrupt end to the kissing.

“But you’re going to owe me shower fun before the week is done.” He wagged a finger at me before straightening his clothes.

“Count on it. Later.”

“I’m starting to hate that word. Later better come sooner.”