“Nope, nope, nope. I play games, but Mom said no electronics this week. She’s all ‘Fresh air is healthy for your brain’ and stuff.” He sighed like outdoors was torture, a sentiment I agreed with, but my laughter was more for how spot-on his imitation was.

“Hey, that was a pretty good impression of your mom.”

“Oh, yeah.” Taylor sat up straighter and his voice shifted to sound prouder. “I’m good at that. I can even fool teachers, but I’m not supposed to try that again. Rules.”

“I hear you. Who else can you do?”

“Grandpa. ‘Back in my day in the navy, that’s not how we did things.’ Or my dad. ‘Any job worth doing is worth doing right, Taylor.’ And I can do you too.”

“This I have to hear.” Derrick was way too eager, but I was laughing too hard at Taylor’s antics to object.

“So Arthur is all ‘I have a playlist for that’ and ‘Oops. Didn’t mean to crash into that.’ But if I’m going all-in on the impression, I need messed-up hair and earphones to really pull it off.”

“I think we found your talent.” Chuckling, Derrick shook his head.

“I have to say I agree.” I’d live with Taylor making fun of me if it gave him more confidence. “Let’s put you down for some impressions. Rehearsal before dinner?”

Taylor shrugged. “Okay. Nothing better to do.”

I did have something—or rather someone—to do, but I supposed I could wait that much longer to be alone with Derrick. Later.

“Nothing to do?” Oliver’s wife, Stacey, came over and rested her arms on the back of Taylor’s chair. “There’s kayaking, Taylor. It’s a beautiful day to expand your mind.”

Both Derrick and I burst out laughing because Taylor’s impression of her truly had been perfect, right down to her earnest inflection and the way she held her head.

“You okay?” Stacey turned my direction.

“Oh, yeah. Your kid is talented. That’s all. He’s going to do impressions for the talent show.”

She groaned. “Don’t encourage that.”

“But, Mom.” Taylor did an impressive job of drawing her name out to six syllables.

“Fine. But no imitations of me. And none in poor taste.” She wagged a finger at all three of us.

“I’ll rein him in,” I promised even though I had no such intention.

“I know you will.” She gave me a beatific smile. “And I’m so happy you have a guy this year, but man, I miss your help with the older boys. They were up until two last night and up again at dawn.”

“Not sad to have missed that. I need my sleep.”

“Uh-huh. That’s exactly what you need.” Stacey’s smile shifted to more knowing. The back of my neck heated because she wasn’t wrong, but knowing everyone was talking about my love life was getting less funny by the minute.

“Time to head down to the docks!” My dad’s booming voice echoed through the dining hall. He didn’t talk a lot at these things, but he could still get plenty commanding when he wanted to. “The kayak instructors are waiting.”

“Can I have Derrick as my kayak buddy?” Taylor wheedled with big eyes.

“I think Arthur needs him more.” Stacey shook her head at him before glancing my way. “I bet Ollie you’d be eating lake water before ten. Don’t let me down.”

“I’m not that hopeless.” I kind of was, but I hated how everyone simply assumed I couldn’t cope in nature.

Apparently overhearing part of our conversation, Oliver headed our way. “Yeah, you are. I’m not even sure what the topic is, but yeah, you are.”

“Arthur and kayaking.” Stacey’s eyes sparkled. She and Oliver had done a destination wedding centered on ecotourism with a ropes course featuring prominently. “I was just about to tell Derrick good luck with that.”

“Yep.” Oliver clapped Derrick on the shoulder. “You’re going to wish you were single by noon. I bet—”

“No more betting I’ll fail.” I cut him off before he could make yet another bet with either Stacey or Derrick.

“Come on. Have a little fun. You’ve won me all sorts of favors over the years.” Oliver’s fond look for Stacey bordered on TMI.

“I’m sure we’ll be fine.” After standing, Derrick stretched his arms. “I haven’t done a kayak in a while myself, so we can figure it out together.”

“Yep, they’re eating the lake.” Oliver nodded decisively.

It was nice how Derrick had stuck up for me, but privately I was inclined to agree with Oliver and Stacey. If Derrick didn’t have mad skills, we were doomed. But there was no avoiding trying. Everyone was already heading to the lakefront, and coming up with an excuse to avoid the outing would have been more trouble than actually attempting it. However, I didn’t have a lot of faith in our ability to stay upright and dry.

“Ah. It’s a beautiful morning.” My dad came up alongside us as we walked on a path toward the row of canoes and kayaks waiting for us along with two camp employees. “The smell of pine and the rare sighting of an Arthur in the wild.”