“Well, I know how to proposition a fellow. Come and you can have my share of the s’mores.” I held his gaze, testing. He blushed but didn’t look away. Interesting. Very interesting. I was woefully short on practice for flirting, despite Sabrina’s and others’ tireless lessons. However, Derrick didn’t seem entirely disinterested, even to my novice eyes.

Derrick’s mouth twisted, making his grin a little crooked and a lot more endearing. Damn. I wanted to kiss him again. Right there. No way could we survive rooming together on the island. But on the upside, maybe I’d get my wish for more kissing, bad idea and all.

“Calder says if I come, we can swap bunks.” Ah. There it was. His reluctance to say no to the invite had nothing to do with me or even with wanting to help me out.

My posture stiffened but I kept my voice free and easy. Whatever motivated Derrick to come, I was good with, even if part of me wished that I was incentive enough. “Whoa. Calder never gives up the top bunk for anyone. Ask Oliver. What’s his deal?”

Derrick shrugged. “Says he likes not being the focus.”

“Ha. My mom needs to learn to be happy with fifty percent of her offspring happily coupled.”

“She just wants what she thinks is best for you guys.” Frowning, Derrick took a gulp of water. “She’s a good mom.”

“She is, yeah.” It was nice that Derrick was such a fan, but he wasn’t the one who had had to grow up as quirky youngest Euler brother. However, I was more curious about Derrick’s own family situation than trying to educate him on the realities of mine. “Is your mom going to be mad if you spend your leave with us?”

“No. No mom. I was raised mainly by my grandmother and she died when I was in basic training. So it’s been just me for years now.”

Aw. I could practically hear Sabrina’s sympathetic noise. And I too was not immune from wishing I could hug Derrick. Wait. I could. Everyone here thought we were a couple. Fantastic. I threw an arm around his shoulders.

“Well, then you definitely need to come. Euler Family Camp is an experience like no other.” My family might drive me up a wall, but they were mine, and I knew damn well we were pretty lucky compared to some.

“Maybe,” Derrick whispered. He didn’t move away from my embrace either. “We could fess up first—”

“And miss our shot at better accommodations?” Enjoying his nearness, I gave his broad shoulders a little squeeze. “I think not.”

“Okay.” Derrick huffed out a huge breath, but I just grinned at the novelty of having gotten my way.

“Was that a yes?”

He gave me another crooked grin. “It’s an ‘I’ll talk to the senior chief tomorrow, find out my leave situation for real’ very strong maybe.”

“I’ll take it.”

“Good.” Our gazes locked again, moment stretching out, a new bargain having been struck, but also something else. An easiness that hadn’t been there before. I wondered what he’d do if I went in for a fast kiss right then. Just a—

“Are we ready?” Calder seemed to finally remember we existed, as people started getting ready to leave. “Arthur, we’re dropping you at the ferry?”

“Yup.” Sighing, I dropped my arm before standing up. Playtime over. Back to the real world, where Derrick wasn’t remotely mine and no further kissing was happening.

Once all the goodbyes were said and the bill settled, we ended up back in Calder’s car, squashed together in the back seat again. Derrick still smelled amazing, and my urge to kiss him was still there, but I was good, didn’t even sniff him or lean into his solid body.

“Are you going to be okay doing the ferry and bus?” Derrick whispered to me as Calder and his friend debated where they might go for a drink after dropping me off.

“Of course. I’ve done it tons of times.” Which he probably knew, so I wasn’t sure why he’d be concerned. Unless... I pitched my voice even lower. “If that’s you wanting an excuse to not go back to the barracks or out for drinks with Calder’s crowd, you could come with me. Keep me out of trouble.”

“Come with you?” Derrick sounded more confused than intrigued. “Why?”

“No reason.” I kept my tone light. No sense being disappointed. It was my own fault for even making the offer. “It was just an idea. I’ve got a shared place, but it’s larger than the barracks’ rooms and we’ve got a big TV.”

“Thanks, but I should probably get back.” If he was tempted, Derrick sure wasn’t showing it. Who knew, maybe he was looking to go out with Calder and his friends, maybe pick up an actual hookup, not a fake arrangement.

“I figured.” I narrowly avoided sighing. “Guess you’ll let me know about the reunion?”