“Well, what was I supposed to do? You’re my employer, not to mention the fact that you’re you, and I’m me, and there was a snowball’s chance in hell of us ever actually getting together.”

He tilted his head and asked, “What’s that supposed to mean, you’re you and I’m me?”

“Come on. You don’t need me to explain it.”

“Humor me.”

I gestured at him and said, “You’re a gorgeous, rich, famous, and insanely successful movie star, and I’m the shmuck who picks up your dry cleaning. People like you don’t end up with people like me.”

“God, I hate it when you do that.”

“Do what?”

“Write yourself off like that. You’re a handsome, intelligent guy with more talent in your little finger than I have in my entire body. So you haven’t found success yet. So what? Do you think I’m enough of an asshole to refuse to be with you until you actually land a gold record?”

“No. I don’t think that.”

“Okay, then.”

After a few moments, I said, “You’ve never seen me perform. What makes you think I’m talented?”

“I’ve watched your YouTube videos, and they’re fantastic. You’re twice the singer Dallas is, and your skill on the guitar puts him to shame. You know that, don’t you?”

“I know my range is broader. Apparently that doesn’t count for shit though, since he’s a superstar and I can’t even get a record deal.”

Harper asked, “You know why he’s gotten ahead and you haven’t, don’t you?”

“Because life is totally unfair?”

“Well, yes. But also, he’s bold, spontaneous, and isn’t afraid of making mistakes, while you’re cautious and a total perfectionist. I bet you practice every song a thousand times before you even think about recording a video, and in doing that, you iron out all the wrinkles and imperfections. But don’t you see, Phoenix? The imperfections are what made Dallas a star. The breaks in his voice give it character, and he’s not afraid of making mistakes, so he doesn’t hold anything back when he performs.”

I threw my hands up and said, “Well, then I’m totally screwed, and I might as well just give up now.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because this is who I am, Harper. I’m the guy who literally carries two umbrellas in case one breaks, and I do that when the sun is shining! It makes me fucking brilliant as a personal assistant because I’m always prepared for any situation, but apparently it also makes me suck as a performer, which is just great.”

Harper got up and crossed the room to me, and as he ran his hands down my upper arms he said, “You don’t suck as a performer. Your voice and your musical ability are astonishing, and you write beautiful songs.”

“But clearly, that’s not enough.”

“It’s a hell of a start, though.” He grinned and added, “Also, I fully believe anyone who’s passionate enough to hurl a granola bar at my head has it in him to let the emotion come through while performing. I’m looking forward to the day you prove me right about that.”

I leaned in until my head rested on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around me as I said, “You’re a great guy, Harper. You know that? You’re actually making me feel optimistic, and I didn’t think I was capable of that anymore.”

“It’s nice to do something useful for a change.”

There was a knock at the door, and I started to pull away. But he held onto me and called, “Come in.”

It turned out to be someone from the wardrobe department with Harper’s freshly pressed suit and shirt. She hung it on a hook, and after she took off I glanced at the time and said, “Where did you land in the order of interviews?”

“I’m fourth on the roster. My interview with Tommy happens right before your brother performs with his band.”

I asked, “Do shows like this make you nervous?”

“Not this one, because it’s prerecorded. Anything live scares me to death, though. I’m always sure I’ll fuck it up somehow.”

“That explains why you’ve never done any stage work.”

He shuddered and said, “I’d rather get hit by a bus.”

“That’s so dramatic.”

He grinned at me. “I’m an actor. Being dramatic is literally in my job description.”

I grinned too, then slipped out of his arms and said, “You should start getting ready. We don’t want to keep Tommy Allen waiting.”

He pulled me back into an embrace and said, “Okay, but this first.” He kissed me tenderly, and I melted into it. Then he said, “I want to take you on a date, Phoenix. A proper one. I also really want to fuck you in places every bit as inappropriate as that prop closet would have been, but I want this to be about more than just sex.”


“Say yes.”


He smiled at me and said, “That’s what I want to hear.”

“That’s miles away from sex with no strings attached. You said that just a few hours ago, remember?”