“You’re not a loser, Phoenix. You just haven’t had Dallas’s success, which sounds like it was the result of dumb luck more than anything. You haven’t given up on your dream, right? You’re still writing songs and performing, so there’s still a chance for your big break.”

“I appreciate the pep talk,” I said, “but it’s hard to believe my ‘big break’ is still out there somewhere after all these years.”

“Yeah, but we have to hold on to our dreams. Without them, what’ve we got?”

“I hope you’re taking your own advice and still pursuing an acting career.”

“I’ll be chasing that dream ‘til the day I die,” he said. “It should be a little easier once I’m back in L.A., since acting auditions in the Nashville area are few and far between.”

“I didn’t think about that, but it figures that Dallas’s TV show would be filming in Southern California.”

Noah pointed at me and drew a circle in the air. “That pained expression is because you’re worried he and Harper are going to hook up once they’re living in the same city. Am I right?”

I nodded. “Back when they were dating, it seemed like the only thing standing in their way was their schedule. Dallas was in the middle of a world tour, so they were almost never in the same place at the same time. And now, if they even hint at getting back together, I’m absolutely quitting my job. I’m not enough of a masochist to watch those two ride off into the sunset together.”

“Can’t say I blame you.” He got up and said, “I should go check and see what’s going on with the rehearsal. They were waiting on a couple of big names who were flying in together from California, but their private jet had a mechanical issue, and they got stranded in Kansas. Or Missouri. You know, one of those middle states. My question is, why were they cutting it that close in the first place? But hey, not my clients, not my problem. I’ll let you know what I find out.”

“Thanks, Noah.”

After he left the dressing room, I curled into a corner of the sofa and sighed. I hated feeling like this. I didn’t want to care about Harper or who he ended up with, and I didn’t want to be jealous of my brother. But damn it, the thought of the two of them together was painful as hell.

My little pity party was interrupted when the door flew open and Harper burst into the room. He dropped onto the couch and said, “There you are! Look what I got.” Kel had sent him a selfie of him and the chicken on a walk, which involved a weird bird cage and stroller combination. Then he put his head in my lap and smiled up at me. “Rehearsal will start in ten minutes. We’re still missing two people, but they’re going to use stand-ins so the rest of us can do a run-through. It’s a musical number and I have to sing, which’ll probably be a train wreck. Want to come and watch?”

He was so childlike sometimes, both in his enthusiasm and his need for attention. When I said, “Sure,” his radiant smile got even brighter.

He sat up and wrapped his arms around me, and as he nuzzled my neck he murmured, “I wish we had longer than ten minutes. I really want to fuck you on this couch. And on the makeup table. And definitely in the prop closet right next to the stage, where there’s a chance of getting caught.”

Even though I was completely turned on by that, I tried to play it off by saying, “This isn’t what we do now. We don’t just fuck whenever we feel like it, just because we had sex once.”

His hand slid to the bulge in my jeans, and as he massaged my growing hard-on, he said, “You don’t have to put up a front, Phee. We already confirmed the fact that we both want this, so just enjoy yourself.”

Damn it, that was exactly what I wanted to do. I cupped his cheek and planted a rough kiss on him, and he moaned against my lips. I couldn’t even pretend I wanted to stop him when he unfastened my jeans and pulled out my cock. It throbbed in his hand, and precum glistened on the tip as he kissed me and jerked me off.

Harper flashed me a wicked little grin before his head dropped into my lap. He took my cock in his mouth and gave it a long, hard suck before momentarily releasing it and murmuring, “You taste so good, Phee.” Then he started simultaneously sucking and jerking me off like a man on a mission.

I had to force myself not to make a sound. He hadn’t locked the door behind him, and I could just imagine fifty people rushing in to see what all the commotion was about. The idea of getting caught actually turned me on even more, and I bit back a moan as I let pleasure and sensation carry me along.