Pretty soon, taping began. Allison delivered her monologue, then did a comedy skit before interviewing her first two guests. Harper was the last one up. As usual, he was charismatic and totally engaging, and he and the host joked and laughed before she asked him about his upcoming movie. He plugged it seamlessly before they cut to what would be a commercial break when the episode aired later that afternoon. A makeup artist powdered away the shine on his forehead, and Harper took a sip of water while someone else touched up Allison’s lipstick. Then they resumed filming.

My heart was pounding as I waited in my pre-determined spot near the show’s producer. A camera operator stood nearby, ready to catch my “surprised” reaction when Allison called me up onto the stage.

What happened next was a blur. My momentary panic probably did read as surprise as I joined Harper on the white leather couch. Allison asked me a few questions, and thank God Harper was there, because he added to my answers and made them much funnier and more engaging.

I really wasn’t used to being interviewed, but one thing I could do was sing. As soon as the band leader put the guitar in my hands, I relaxed a little, and when I sang the song Allison had suggested, I focused my attention on Harper. At least that felt familiar. When I finished, the studio audience burst into a huge round of applause, and I smiled shyly while Harper picked up my hand and kissed it.

In all, I was onstage for five or six minutes. When they reset for what would be another commercial break, I got up and was led backstage.

When he finished filming the last part of his interview, Harper found me on the couch in his dressing room, hugging my knees to my chest. I looked up at him and asked, “How terrible was I?”

“You weren’t terrible at all! In fact, you did great.”

“I went total deer-in-headlights. I think I was sixteen the last time I did an interview, so it’s pretty safe to say I’m out of practice.”

“You came across as warm and genuine,” he said, “like a shy, sweet guy who’s suddenly found himself in the spotlight. It was endearing, and the audience loved you. Not to mention the fact that the song was fantastic. You totally nailed it.”

“I still can’t believe that happened. I’m going to be on TV! Me. Holy shit.”

Harper grinned as he gathered our stuff and handed me a bottle of water. “I love how that’s just beginning to sink in. Come on, Phee, let’s continue this conversation in the car. This is only the first of our stops today.”

By the time we got back to Harper’s house in the late afternoon, we were both exhausted. He dropped onto his bed fully dressed and muttered, “Just think, we get to do all of that again tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that.”

I kicked off my shoes and crawled onto the bed with him, and I kissed his cheek before saying, “Can I bring you a drink or something?”

He wrapped his arms around me. “No thanks. The liquor cabinet is too far away, and I don’t want to let go of you.” I grinned at him, and he asked, “Do you want to watch our interview? I messaged Kel and had him record the Allison Show for us this afternoon.”

“Oh God, no. I’d die of embarrassment.” I pulled my phone from my pocket and muttered, “Why do I have twenty-six messages?” I’d turned off the ringer when we were on set earlier and had forgotten to turn it back on.

“Uh, maybe because you were on TV today?”

I started scrolling through the messages and said, “Dallas sent a text to congratulate me. That was nice.” I played my voicemails, and when I heard the last one I whispered, “Holy shit.”

“What is it?”

“Most of these messages are requests for interviews, but one of them is from a music producer.”

Harper sat up and exclaimed, “See? I told you!”

“Is that really all it takes? One TV appearance, and boom, the record industry comes calling?”

“A handful of viral videos help, too.”

“And a famous boyfriend.”

“I just opened the door, you’re the one who stepped through it.”

I played the voicemail again, then said, “I actually know this guy, Blake Brooks. He’s been a Nashville institution for about three decades, and I met him once when I was fourteen or fifteen. I’m going to message my brother and see what he can tell me about him.”

I sent Dallas a text and soon got one in return, and Harper asked, “What did he say?”

“That Brooks is as good as they come, and I should call him back and agree to anything he says.”

“Well, great. It’s good to know that guy’s the real deal.”