The sensations he sent through me were so intense that I had to reach out and brace myself against the wall. Within minutes, I muttered, “I’m going to come, Angel.” Next time, I’d try to make it last. Not today though, not after all those days and nights spent aching for him.

Instead of backing off, he just sucked me harder and faster. I cradled the back of his head with one hand while I lightly fucked his mouth, until his moan of pleasure pushed me over the edge. I came hard, yelling as I shot down his throat, and he kept sucking me until I was completely spent.

I was shaking and lightheaded when he finally let my cock slip from his mouth. I had to press both hands against the wall to hold myself up, and Gabriel gently nuzzled my thigh while he waited for me to catch my breath. Finally, I stepped back and grinned as I said, “Your turn.”

I moved to the dark blue sofa on weak legs and sat down. Then I looked around and opened a drawer in the end table. There was a tube of hand cream in there, and I grinned and murmured, “That’ll work.” I patted my thigh and told him, “Take off your clothes and come sit on my lap.”

He stripped himself quickly with hands that were still shaking, while I squirted some cream into my palm. Then he crawled to me and did as I asked. I cradled him as I began jerking him off, and he looked up at me with so much trust in his eyes.

I brought him right to the brink of orgasm three times, then eased him back down. That made him writhe and whimper and beg for release as his cock throbbed in my hand. When I finally said, “Okay Angel, come for me,” a jagged yell tore from him and he shot all over his stomach and chest. That massive orgasm went on and on until he was left shivering, sweat-drenched, and totally exhausted.

I scooped up my tank top with my foot and used the shirt to wipe the cum from his body. Then I pulled a soft gray blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped him up in it. His soft little, “Thank you,” made him seem so vulnerable, and I was overwhelmed by the urge to protect him.

I stroked his hair as he slowly came back to himself. Eventually he said, “That was totally unexpected.”

“Which part?”

“All of it.” He wrapped his arms around me and said, “A week ago, it seemed like you were struggling with taking charge.”

“I was.”

He asked, “How could you come so far in such a short time?”

“Tonight, it finally dawned on me that I can give you what you need and be true to myself at the same time. I guess it was just a question of changing my perspective.” I kissed the top of his head, then shifted a bit before continuing, “I’m a pleaser, right down to my core. I’ll do whatever it takes to make my partner feel good, and that makes me feel wonderful in return. Being in control doesn’t come naturally, but pleasing you does. As soon as I shifted my perspective to look at it that way, taking charge become the easiest thing in the world.”

“That was quite the revelation.”

He snuggled closer, and after a pause I said, “There’s something else I’ve been worried about, and I’ve been afraid to bring it up in case it proved to be a deal-breaker.”

“What’s worrying you?”

I just had to put it all out there. “Is the fact that we’re both bottoms going to be an issue?”

“It really doesn’t have to be.” A grin spread across his face, and he said, “We just proved we can absolutely satisfy each other. Now imagine what two creative bottoms could do with a great, big pile of sex toys.” I had to grin, too.

Chapter 8

Six days later, I stood on the balcony watching the sunset and thinking back over the past week. It had been perfection. Gabriel had come to work with me twice, we’d spent time with some of his friends, and we’d gone to see Emory’s drag show, which was fantastic. But the best moments were when it was just the two of us, ‘playing house’ in this gorgeous apartment. I didn’t know what else to call it. We’d been living like a married couple and had settled into a wonderful, comfortable routine, but that was about to change.

I really wished we hadn’t made plans to go out, because this was our last night alone in the dream home. Tomorrow, the owners of the apartment were returning from the UK. While I was looking forward to meeting them, it was a little depressing too because I knew things wouldn’t be the same with them here. We’d go from playing house to being guests in their home, and no matter how welcoming they were, I knew I’d feel like I was in the way.