Miss Pearl had thoughtfully set the table in the gazebo with floral china and a cluster of candles in various glass containers. She’d even included throw blankets on the chairs and a silver wine bucket with nonalcoholic sparkling cider, probably with Phoenix’s input. We both piled our parcels on the table, and as we sat down Gabriel said, “This is just incredible. Thank you, Riley.”

“I can’t take credit. All I did was get help from the right people.” While he organized the bags and boxes containing our dinner, I opened the bottle and filled our wine glasses. Then I gestured at a nearby plant with huge, yellowish, cone-shaped blossoms and said, “That looks like something from an alien planet.”

Gabriel glanced over his shoulder and said, “It’s called Angel’s Trumpet. Fun fact, it’s actually poisonous. I’ve always loved it, though. There used to be a big clump of it beside the apartment building I grew up in.” He looked around and grinned. “Actually, almost all the plants in this yard are poisonous. That can’t be a coincidence, and it makes me think I would’ve liked Mel. She was obviously a quirky individual.”

“Or a serial killer.”

“Nah. There’s love and care in this yard, so maybe she just found beauty in things others didn’t understand. Also, talk about an inefficient way to kill people. You’d have to chase down your victims and be like, ‘hey, could you drink this gallon of oleander tea for me? Why? Oh, no reason’.”

I chuckled at that and said, “You have a point.”

“So, what’s the plan of attack with dinner? We ended up with some pretty random stuff.”

“I’m having my dessert first, because why not?”

“Good idea.” We picked up our caramel apple empanadas, and he tapped his to mine as he said, “Cheers.”

After dessert, we worked our way through two kinds of sushi and a tapas sampler, then split a Vietnamese banh mi sandwich, a fancy grilled cheese, a carton of spicy lentil curry, and a basket of seasoned fries. While we ate, I asked, “So, how was your day?”

“It was good. I was bummed to discover one of my favorite fabric stores had gone out of business, but then I totally scored at the thrift store. I found a pair of sheer curtains with an iridescent sheen to them, and they’re going to be perfect for the mermaid costume.”

“That sounds great.”

“I’m excited. I made a pattern when I got home, and I’m looking forward to sewing it.”

I asked, “Were you concerned about running into Simeck or one of his cronies when you were out running errands?”

“It’s definitely been in the back of my mind, but he lives clear across town, and he wouldn’t go near the types of places I visited today. There’s a difference between being cautious and being paranoid, and I don’t want to let fear stop us from enjoying our time here.”

“I agree.”

He refilled our glasses, and after a few moments he said, “So, tell me about work today.”

“It was a bit odd, since we were filming on a city street and working out of an RV. There were crowds of fans and a lot of security to keep them under control. It all went off without a hitch, but I’ll be glad when we’re settled in at our next location.” I wiped my mouth with a cloth napkin before saying, “I almost forgot to tell you. Roger slipped past security and came to visit me at work today.”

A crease appeared between Gabriel’s dark brows, and he asked, “What did he want?”

“To make sure you’re okay, basically.”

“He came to ask you if I’m alright?”

“Well, no. I think he wanted to get a sense of who I was, and he also threatened to beat me up if I hurt you.” Gabriel swore under his breath, and I said, “It’s okay. He meant well.”

“I’m surprised you’re defending him.”

I shrugged and said, “How can I fault someone for wanting to take care of you?”

“He threatened to beat you up!”

“I’d deserve it if I ever hurt you. By the same token, I’d go medieval on anyone who tried to cause you harm.”

Gabriel tried to hide his grin as he muttered, “Why am I always attracted to cavemen?”

I knew I shouldn’t be, but I was secretly thrilled to be lumped into the same category as his big, tough, former bodyguard of an ex-boyfriend. Then again, Gabriel had actually dumped him, so I knew I shouldn’t follow Roger’s example too closely.

When we finished eating, he said, “All of that was delicious, but I’m so full. The hammock under the tree is calling my name.”

He left his shoes under the table, and we brought our blankets with us to the hammock. Once we both settled in comfortably, I closed my eyes and listened to the accordion music that drifted to us from one of the neighboring houses. “There’s a lot I’ve missed about San Francisco,” he said after a while. His head was on my shoulder, and he idly played with the open zipper on my leather jacket. “More than anything, I’ve missed the people. Not just my friends, but the quirky individuals who tend to gravitate to this place. I know the population is changing as housing prices keep skyrocketing, but I love the fact that there are still people like Miss Pearl with her pink hair and poisonous yard, and whoever’s absolutely killing it on the accordion right now. I even love the fact that all the houses are crammed together, so we can be out here by ourselves, but there’s all this life around us. It makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger than myself.”