Before I left for the set, I sent the last photo I’d taken to Gabriel with a message that said: Just wanted to show you the makeup I did for Will this morning. I’m pretty proud of it. Then I stood there and chewed my lip while I waited for his reply. A few moments later, he messaged me with: It looks incredible! Great job, Riley.

That was all I needed to hear. The positive reinforcement from Will and Gina felt good, but his opinion meant everything to me.

As predicted, the cast and crew spent hours filming a two-minute scene. Will, Harper, and Emma strolled down the same stretch of sidewalk over and over again, telling the same story, until the director inevitably cut the scene and started from the top. I swooped in and touched up Will’s makeup as needed, but mostly I just sat idly by and tried not to get so lost in my thoughts that I missed the call to get up and do my job.

Eventually, an hour-long break was called. Will went off with Lorenzo, who’d been watching the filming with rapt attention, and a couple of crew members invited me to join them for lunch. I politely turned them down and headed to the RV with the hope of having a few quiet minutes to myself. I could be social when I needed to, but the introvert in me always ended up craving down time during these full days on set.

It startled the hell out of me when Roger Foster fell into step with me and said, “’Ello Riley.”

I didn’t break my stride as I asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I thought you could use a cuppa.” He was carrying two paper cups, which were emblazoned with the sophisticated ‘Sawyer MacNeil’s’ logo.

“I somehow doubt you came all this way to bring me coffee.” He was wearing a visitor pass on a lanyard around his neck, and I gestured at it and asked, “How’d you get onto the set? They don’t give those things to just anybody.”

“I sweet-talked my way in.” He looked pleased with himself.

“I highly doubt that.”

Roger chuckled and asked, “You don’t think I’m capable of sweet-talking?”

“I don’t think our security team is that stupid.”

“They’re not rocket scientists, either. The truth is, I asked one of them the name of your head of security, then went around the corner and told another bloke I had a meeting with the man whose name I’d just been given. They let me right in.” He shook his head, as if he was disappointed in them.

“I can’t believe that worked.”

“Never underestimate the power of a sharp-looking suit and a flashy business card.”

I muttered, “I’ll remember that next time I need to trespass someplace I don’t belong.” We reached the RV, and I turned to him and asked, “So, what are you doing here, Roger? And don’t go with the bullshit answer about bringing me coffee this time.”

“I wanted the opportunity to talk man-to-man.”


“Because you’re dating someone who means the world to me, and I want to let you know I intend to beat you to a bloody pulp if you hurt him.”

I mulled that over for a few moments, then said, “I respect that. Did you really bring me coffee?”

He handed over one of the cups and said, “Seemed the least I could do, what with my plan to threaten you and all.”

“That’s classy.” I took a sip of what turned out to be a perfect latte, then held the door of the RV for him and said, “After you.”

Roger preceded me into the Winnebago and observed, “It smells like an armpit.”

“You’re not wrong. We’ll be back in a decent trailer tomorrow. Filming on city streets is a pain in the ass, for many reasons.”

“I can imagine.”

I tossed my leather jacket over the back of a chair, and we sat down facing each other. He crossed his ankle over his knee, and I gestured toward him with my coffee cup and said, “That really is a sharp-looking suit. The security game must pay well.”

“It can, if you’re willing to make certain sacrifices.”

“Like what?”

“Like working constantly, including nights, weekends, and holidays, and letting your relationships suffer. To do it right, the job always has to come first.”

I took another sip of coffee and asked, “Is that what you think went wrong between you and Gabriel?”

“What reason did he give you for ending our relationship?”

“He said you treated him like a child, and he got tired of you trying to do everything for him.”

“That’s what I do, I take care of people. I thought he understood that going in. I also thought it was what he liked about me. Shows what I know.” I was surprised by the vulnerability I glimpsed in his eyes, but he quickly pulled his guard up and said, “Anyway, I suppose this is me continuing to look out for him, even if he doesn’t want me to. Gabriel’s one in a million, and I’ve got to be honest, you’re about the last thing I expected when he mentioned he was bringing a new man around.”