“Well, Ash knows. No one else.”

“Huh. I don’t know what to say. Are you…okay? I mean, you’re happy, right?” he asked awkwardly.

“I think so. Look, I wasn’t going to tell you tonight, and I’m not ready to advertise or—”

“I get it. Don’t worry. You can trust me.”


We sat quietly for a moment. I had no clue what Ezra was thinking and I was too busy mulling over the implications. Did telling one person I was bi count? Was I out now or sort of out? More importantly, why wasn’t I spinning over this? If anything, I was frustrated that I had to do this so many more times.

“So, just to be clear…you’re with a blond, but he has a dick?”


“Okay.” Ezra nodded again, then bolted off the sofa and pointed at it warily. “Did you have sex on this thing?”


“For fuck’s sake, Johnston.”

Unbelievably, I chuckled. “Oh, and you’ve never had sex on a sofa?”

“Yeah, but I de-cootify my sofa after the fact.”

I snorted. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“I pick up my fucking condom wrappers and spray some Febreeze. Now I can’t decide if I’m pissed off or horny,” he griped without heat as I doubled over with laughter. “I’m outta here. Tell Asher I’m sorry for crashing tonight, and do me a favor and return my fucking texts so I don’t worry about you, asswipe.”

“Got it.” I walked him to the door and leaned on the jamb. “Hey, um…we’re cool, right?”

“Yeah. We’re cool.” Ezra held his fist up, then pulled me into a bear hug. When he stepped away, he continued. “You need anything, no matter how big or small you think it is, you call me, Blake. Anytime, anywhere. You are not alone.”

Tears stung my eyes. I didn’t trust my voice, so I nodded my thanks. Then I waited till he drove away, grabbed my keys and wallet, and headed for my truck.

Twenty minutes later, I parked at the curb in front of Asher’s house with a pint of chocolate chip ice cream in the passenger seat. I glanced across the console at the stately craftsman-style home on the corner with its long windows and generous porch. Its slightly run-down aura didn’t detract from its beauty. The neighbors might have perfectly trimmed hedges, manicured lawns, and tasteful flower boxes lined with ivy and miniature topiaries, but this house was a classic beauty. The kind of place that had been keeping secrets for years.

I’d acknowledged Asher’s earlier text with a thumbs-up symbol, but I hadn’t called. This seemed too important for a phone call. I drove across town without thinking twice. He might be busy. He might be studying or talking to his friends or his mom…whatever. Only one way to find out.

I’m outside your house with ice cream. Bring two spoons and meet me.

A curtain on the second floor fluttered, then closed and the light inside dimmed. I waited with my heart lodged in my throat. And just when I was beginning to think I’d have to find pebbles to throw at his window, the front door opened.

Asher bounded to the passenger side, dressed in Darth Vader pajamas and Yoda slippers. He motioned for me to roll down the window, leaning in with a curious expression.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, but I just came out to someone for the first time, which I think means I’ve officially passed part two of the script. That deserves ice cream, right?” I lifted the bag meaningfully.

Asher widened his eyes and smiled. “Yes. Come with me. I’ll find spoons.”

He led me inside, through the dark entry and into the living room where Holden and Tommy were watching the Syfy channel. I stopped to say hello before following him into the kitchen.

We sat at the table near the side door, sharing ice cream while I filled him in on my big moment with Ezra. Asher asked the expected questions: How did I feel? Was he cool? Well…the Ash-speak version sounded a bit more technical, but you get the gist.

When we were full, he put the ice cream in the freezer, then opened the side door, and gestured for me to follow him to the backyard.

“Wow, your yard is big,” I commented.

Ash adjusted his glasses and gazed up at the heavens. “Yes. It was one of the reasons we wanted to rent this house. It has gorgeous tall trees in the front, and the few petite lemon trees out here don’t obscure the sky. We have a powerful telescope we store in the garage. It’s perfect for clear nights like this. I’ll show you another time. You’ll be impressed. But we can sit for now.”


Five Adirondack chairs circled a small portable firepit. Ash chose one facing the lemon trees and patted the arm of the one next to it. I scooted the chair as close to his as possible and covered his hand, lacing my fingers with his.