“Baer?” he called out in a loud whisper. He didn’t see a mouse or any animals, but the Animal Weaver could have shifted into a gnat for all he knew.

A second later, a black cat trotted up the stairs and raced down the hall. That had to be him. Gio released his hold on his invisibility and allowed the cat to see him. It came to a stop and shifted immediately into Baer the person.

“You got him?” Baer asked. His face and hair were streaked with sweat. The Weaver had clearly been pushing his own limits when it came to his shifting. When this night was over, they’d all have to sleep for a week.

“Yeah, but you guys have to explain to him what the fuck is going on.”

Baer snorted. “Nope. That’s Clay’s job.”

Gio saved the rolled eyes for later. “We got a way out of here?”

Baer grimaced. “There are still a handful in the house, watching the action through the front windows. I can cover you, but you and Hale are gonna have to run.”

“Are you sure?”

“Whoa! More help?” Hale asked.

Gio twisted to see that Hale had come closer to peer out the door as well. “This is Baer.”

“Not the bear?”

“Yeah, I was the bear,” the Animal Weaver confirmed with a smirk and looked at Gio. “And I’m about to be a really big kitty cat. I’ve got you covered. Out the back door, down the stairs. Go to the beach to get around the house but get inland as quickly as possible. Dane and Wiley should be near the dock.”

Gio nodded. He remembered. He had to reach Wiley with Hale so the little warlock could send up the signal to retreat.

His stomach knotted up and his palms were sweaty for a new reason. Getting in the house was one problem. Getting out again safely with Hale and Baer seemed like an even bigger problem.

With a final nod, Baer shifted into a black house cat and raced through the hall. Gio glanced over his shoulder at Hale, who flashed him a shaky, fearful smile.

“We’ll be somewhere safe very soon. I promise,” Gio murmured.

“Thanks.” Hale sighed.

Gio started down the hall as quietly as he could manage. Hale was right on his heels, using the same stealth. They pressed their backs to the wall and descended the stairs, wincing almost in unison when the boards creaked, but with the noise outside, it was unlikely anyone heard them.

On the ground floor, Gio hesitated. Three pestilents were staring out the window in the front door. A soft noise leaked from Hale, and he glanced over to find the man covering his nose and mouth, looking as if he were gagging. The guys had mentioned that the pestilents smelled horrible. The entire house had to be a nightmare for Hale and Baer.

They needed to hurry. While their backs were still turned, Gio led Hale down the last step and across the open floorplan of the living room, dining room, and kitchen. They started across the living room when a door was flung open and a very angry man stormed in. Gio couldn’t begin to guess who he was other than he had the look of one very pissed-off leader of the pestilents.

When his eyes fell on Gio and Hale, they all stopped in shock. Gio’s heart tried to leap from his chest and find cover behind a sofa, but it was trapped, like him and Hale.

“What the fuck?” the newcomer shouted.

“Run,” Gio grunted, grabbing for Hale to move around him.

“No!” the man shouted. Something slammed into Gio’s head and he cried out in pain, but it stopped almost as quickly as it started. A loud roar shook the windows and walls as a lion leaped from the stairs and pounced on the man.

Gio didn’t hesitate. He stumbled forward, pushing Hale with him as they ran through the living room to the rear doors. They threw them open, and Gio breathed deep the salty sea air as they plunged down the dark stairs.

Together, they cut across the small yard, heading for the water. The air smelled of fish, salt, and smoke. The fire at the front of the house was lighting the night just enough to keep them from stumbling.

“How are we getting off the island?” Hale panted. He lost his footing and fell but caught himself with one hand and pushed up again. The ground was turning into more sand than dirt, slowing their progress.

“Boat. Dock,” Gio panted. He dragged in a deep breath and shouted, “Baer!” The damn cat needed to know they were away safe. He needed to get out of that fucking death house.

“Then we follow the shore—”

“No, we need away from the water.” As he spoke, Gio grabbed Hale’s arm and pulled him inland through bushes and trees. They were still close to the house, but at least it was less likely they were going to get slammed by one of Calder’s waves.