But before that happened, he needed to figure out a way to convince them that he was trustworthy enough to hold on to his memories of the day. Sadly, he doubted it would be enough to simply give Dane a hell of a discount for restoring the furniture.

Chapter Eleven

Calder moaned softly when he finally lay down in the middle of his bed. Every muscle in his body hurt, and his head throbbed in time with his racing heart. By the time Grey had gotten into the minds of the Girl Scouts, Calder had been afraid he was going to pass out. There had been nothing left in him to give. He’d drained all his energy and his reserves to keep the water spinning around them so the bullets were deflected while still trying to keep the girls safe.

It was like he’d pulled everything. All of him hurt. Even the hair on his head and his toes hurt.

But somehow, it still didn’t compare to the ache in his heart.

Grey was going to wipe Gio’s memories, and he was terrified that it meant Gio losing his memories of him and Lucien completely.

Not that it made sense. He wasn’t supposed to be emotionally attached to Gio. They’d just had some amazing, mind-blowing, toe-curling, life-changing sex. It wasn’t like he craved the man’s laugh or that wicked grin when he was trying to tempt Lucien. It wasn’t as if he needed to hear the passion in Gio’s voice when he talked about antique furniture.

Oh, he was screwed. Totally, unforgivably screwed.

Gio’s fingers threaded through his hair, pushing it from Calder’s forehead in the lightest caress, as if he were afraid of hurting him. “What do you need, sweetheart? Tell us and we’ll get it for you.”

Lucien stood at his feet, carefully untying his sneakers and sliding them off one at a time. He sighed with relief. “Where do you hurt?” Lucien inquired.

“Everywhere,” he mumbled, hating to sound so whiny.

“Do you want me to call Clay? See if he can get Dane here sooner?”

It was tempting. Dane had used his healing gift on him only a few times, but it worked wonders for removing aches, pains, burns, and other injuries. But Wiley had to be completely drained from the spell and deserved his recovery time too.

“No, I’ll be okay. Can you get the naproxen from my bathroom? This isn’t the first time I’ve pulled a muscle since moving here.” He finished with a weak smile for Lucien to try to erase some of the worry from his eyes. The truth was, he overexerted himself on a regular basis trying to catch up with the others in terms of using his powers.

“You know, if you’ve pulled muscles, a hot shower would help too,” Gio suggested.

Calder immediately shook his head and winced, regretting the motion. “I need a break from water for a little while. Do you mind if we snuggle? Let me just rest.”

Gio looked at him with a worried expression and turned his attention to Lucien, who nodded.

“That’s fine. We’ll rest for a while.” He darted off to the bathroom to hunt down the pills while Gio started pulling off his socks.

“Well, if we’re going to lie here, you’re getting undressed. Your clothes are wet.”

Calder hadn’t even noticed. He was simply exhausted. He should have been passed out, but the edge of terror was still gnawing on him. What if he closed his eyes and Grey wiped Gio’s memories while he was asleep? He needed to say good-bye to Gio even if Gio would never remember it.

Lucien returned a second later with the pills and a glass of water. The two men carefully helped him sit up and take the pills, then gently stripped him. Gio dug up a pair of clean briefs and pulled them on him before he was tucked under the blankets.

Without needing to be asked, Lucien and Gio stripped to their own briefs and crawled into bed beside him, cuddling close with sweetly stroking hands. Never in his life had he been cared for so wonderfully. Never had he felt so cherished.

“Where’s Ruby?” Calder murmured. The poor dog had been frantic to protect them, but they’d been afraid to let her out of Clay’s bedroom—where Cort had wisely stashed her—until the Girl Scouts were gone.

“Shhh, she’s curled up at the foot of the bed, keeping you safe,” Gio replied, running his fingers through Calder’s hair.

Brushing his lips across his temple and down his cheek, Lucien murmured against his skin, “I am so proud of you. So proud.”

“Really?” Calder whispered back, his voice choked behind the lump forming in his throat. He couldn’t remember the last time Lucien had said something nice to him and actually sounded like he meant it. Well, outside of Gio’s place at least.

Lucien lifted his head so he could meet Calder’s gaze with his intense dark eyes. “Yes, really. You saved everyone’s life today. You saved me, Gio, Grey, Cort, and ten little girls. You are fucking amazing. I have never been so proud of anyone in my life. I can’t wait to tell Clay and the others what you did.”