They didn’t even need to knock on the door. Gio pulled it open as they approached, waving them inside. The second Calder stepped across the threshold, Gio’s hand snaked out and grabbed a fistful of his shirt.

Jerked in close, Calder’s mouth crashed into Gio’s, and Lucien could only stand there frozen as he watched Gio hungrily devour the man as if he were his last fucking meal. Calder’s hands slid across Gio’s bare chest, caressing him in a way that convinced Lucien he’d been as desperate to get back to the Italian.

Fuck, he could watch them all night. Just sit in the corner and stroke his dick while they sucked and fucked each other into oblivion.

Gio broke off the kiss with a gasp for air. He didn’t release Calder as he turned his head to look at Lucien, wicked smile and bedroom eyes in place. “Look at him. I think he wants us,” Gio taunted. “Why don’t you close the door and give us a kiss?”

Lucien didn’t need more prodding than that. He kicked the door shut with a loud bang and closed the last few feet between him and the two men. Tonight, they were his men. He captured Gio in a demanding kiss that left the man pliant in his arms and whimpering. He broke off the kiss and looked at Calder, who met his gaze with open hunger.

“Please,” Calder whispered.

That single word sent a thunderous roar of need through him. Lucien kissed Calder, burning through the last of his doubts and hesitation. When they were alone with Gio, their world disappeared. No Weavers, soul mates, or tangled red ribbons. There was only need and pleasure. Here, he was allowed to want Calder. Even better, he was allowed to want Gio and Calder.

His hand slipped under Calder’s shirt and the man moaned before he pulled away. “Wait,” he gasped. “Talk. Supposed to talk first.”

Lucien pulled away to see Calder’s flushed face, trying to get his brain to work enough to figure out what he was talking about.

“You want to talk?” Gio asked, shock lifting his voice. “What you two were doing looks like a lot more fun to me.”

A memory fell into place, and Lucien mentally swore to himself. That’s right. They were supposed to talk. It was only fair to Gio.

“Calder’s right. We need to talk.”

Lucien released Calder and Gio, taking a step back. He needed air and distance. Blood wasn’t flowing to his brain yet.

Gio looked from him to Calder, confusion clear in his bunched brows. “What’s up?”

“We should sit,” Calder directed, motioning toward Gio’s couch.

“This already sounds more serious than I was expecting for tonight. I thought this was just some fun.” Gio crossed the short distance and dropped on the middle cushion while Calder sat beside him, his hands folded together between his knees like he didn’t trust himself not to touch Gio.

“Look, Gio. We think you’re a great guy, and we had a lot of fun with you the last time we were here,” Lucien started and then mentally winced. He was using his “let them down easy” speech. “We want to have fun again, but in an effort to be up front and honest, we thought we should talk.”

“What’s up?” Gio reached over and placed his hand on Calder’s arm. “Calder, are you pregnant?”

The Water Weaver snorted and shoved Gio’s knee. “Ass.”

But it helped to break some of the tension, and Lucien appreciated it.

“The fact is, Calder and I have another reason for being here tonight. We…” Lucien paused and licked his lips, trying to find the right words.

“We don’t get along when you’re not around,” Calder blurted out. “And it’s destroying the dynamic at home. We’re angering and alienating our friends, making everyone miserable.”

“But that night here with you, everything clicked. Things were less awkward between us and our friendship worked, even if it was for only a few hours. We thought…we thought if we had another night with you, we might be able to find a place where Calder and I can exist together,” Lucien continued. “We need you to help us.”

Calder reached across and placed his hand on Gio’s knee. “Sorry. We’re using you in a way to deal with our own shit. We’ll leave if you’re not comfortable with this. We totally understand.”

Gio blinked a few times, his wide eyes jumping from Calder to Lucien. “No. No, don’t leave. I—” He broke off suddenly, seeming at a loss for words as his lips hung open for a second but no sound came out. “I’ve never heard of anything like that, but I don’t mind sexing you both up.” His smile returned, crooked and adorable. “I’m cool with it so long as everyone has a good time and gets off. I’m not looking for complicated, and you two are hella complicated.” He finished with a laugh, pointing from Lucien to Calder.