“Am I keeping you two from anything?”

“Nope, not at all,” Lucien quickly replied.

“And it’s not going to be a problem with me stopping by regularly to work on this furniture?”

“Of course not. Why would it be a problem?” Lucien lifted a small table up so Gio could look underneath.

Gio shrugged. “Just thought it would be polite to ask. I know we never expected to see each other again, but I’m happy to have run into you two.” He kneeled, noting the cabriole legs with pad feet. “This is a Queen Anne piece from the 1700s and luckily, it needs no work—only a cleaning.”

Lucien lowered the table carefully and stepped away, brushing the dust off his hands.

Gio probably should have worn older clothes to do this, but he liked making a good first impression, and he’d expected to be working with the man who’d originally called him.

On the other hand, these two had seen him naked, so he wasn’t worried about first impressions at all. Snorting, he walked to a dresser and clicked a picture. This one needed new handles, and it wasn’t a masterpiece, so he would be replacing some of the broken drawers, too.

He turned to find Calder’s blue eyes on him and had to suppress a shiver of awareness. The man was truly gorgeous—they both were. He still remembered how it had felt to take Calder’s dick into his mouth and just like that, he was dealing with a semi.

Hoping neither man noticed, he went back to work. But his mind was filling with images from the other night, and his semi went to fully hard. The way Lucien had pounded into him and held his hip, the way Calder had reciprocated the blowjob, and the way each man kissed. He’d barely been able to come up for air.

He wanted them both again.


It took another hour to make it through all the furniture in the attic and by that time, he had both men smiling—once even at each other. He had a bunch of bad jokes he shared, and he chatted about his family and some of their crazy antics. It was about putting both men at ease and once he finished looking at the last piece, he’d succeeded in just that. He felt good, really good. About both the job and getting a second chance as these two delicious men.

“So, that’s it.” He flipped the tablet off and tucked it under his arm. “I’ll put together the bid and be getting it to you. But before that…” He pulled out his business card, holding it out toward both of them. “This has my cell number on it, too. I’d like to get together with you both again.”

Lucien took the card, his eyes locked on Gio. He didn’t imagine the interest that brightened those beautiful eyes. They were brown with hints of copper, making them stand out in his chiseled, handsome face. Lucien looked at Calder and raised an eyebrow.

“We’ll get back to you on that,” Calder said, his blue eyes probing and just as pretty as Lucien’s.

The three of them left the attic and returned to the foyer. Gio grabbed Lucien’s hand, squeezing lightly. “Think about it. It’s not often I find the kind of…chemistry I found with you two. I want more.” Lucien’s brow furrowed in thought while his hand squeezed Gio’s in return. “But don’t answer now. Think about it. I’ll be calling in a couple of days with my bid, and I really hope to see more of you both.”

With that, he released Lucien and flashed Calder one final warm smile before walking to the front door.

“Wait,” Calder started. “It’s not that we don’t want you.”

Gio looked over his shoulder. “I don’t think that. Not at all. But it’s obvious you two have something to work out between you. I want you to know I’m interested in having some more fun.” He cracked a grin.

Lucien threw his head back and laughed. He had a great laugh, deep and rumbly. He stopped laughing and leaned against the wall. “You don’t mince words at all, do you?”

“Nope. I believe in saying exactly what I feel, and it usually gets me what I want. I want you both, and I’m willing to wait. After all, I know the wait will be worth it.”

He left them with those words and walked out to his truck, excitement thrumming through him because he had a feeling they’d call. And even if they didn’t, he’d hopefully get this job and have more chances to convince them to give him another go.

Chapter Eight

Calder lay in bed, staring at the shadowed ceiling of his bedroom. Restlessness kept him from sleeping, his mind whirling with images from that night with Gio and Lucien. It had been the hottest experience of his life, and he did want to repeat it. But what about Lucien? He’d always made it plain he was a one-and-done kind of lover, yet Calder could feel it in the weight of his gaze that his interest hadn’t faded.