“Yes,” Calder agreed as Lucien finally let go of his hip. He’d probably have finger-sized bruises there, but he didn’t care. So. Worth. It.

He scrambled from the bed and walked naked into his kitchen to get drinks. It was all he could do not to start humming. Could they stay for a bit? Round two? Mmm…round two sounded amazing. There was too much for them to still explore.

Gio carried three glasses of water into his bedroom. Both men sat against his wooden headboard. The only part of them touching was Lucien’s hand covering Calder’s. Neither had bothered to cover themselves, and all that beautiful skin was on display. “You two are the hottest men I’ve ever seen,” he said with a grin as he handed them each a glass. “Any interest in staying the night?”

They looked at each other and Lucien slowly drew his hand away from Calder’s. Oh, that wouldn’t do at all.

He finished his water and set the empty glass on the bedside table. Crawling up the bed, he flopped between them, taking their hands in his. He cuddled in close, pulling both Lucien and Calder in tight.

“Oh, you’re the cuddling type, are you?” Lucien teased.

“Definitely,” Gio replied, grinning at the man who had tried for a serious expression and failed miserably.

“I like cuddlers,” Calder murmured against Gio’s hair.

Lucien looked over Gio’s head at Calder and smiled. “Yeah, me too.”

Squeezed in a perfect man sandwich, Gio closed his eyes and sighed happily. He didn’t know what their baggage was, but if they could all just enjoy this time together, what did all that other shit matter?

“How do you know each other?” Gio murmured. Okay, so maybe he was a little curious. He couldn’t help but be nosy. He’d inherited it from his mother, the world’s most meddling mother.

“We’re…friends,” Lucien answered. “Friends who happen to live in the same house right now.”

Gio snorted. “Roommates, then?”

“Yes, smartass,” Lucien grumbled.

“That’s interesting. What were you doing tonight at the bar? Were you hoping to get this lucky?”

Calder laughed. “We certainly hadn’t planned this, but I’m not complaining.”

“Me neither,” Lucien added as he glanced around Gio to Calder. “I never expected anything like this.”

“Well, aren’t I the lucky man, then?” Gio winked at Lucien. “I don’t know what made me catch both your eyes, but I’m thankful.”

“You’re gorgeous—of course you caught our eyes.” Lucien tightened his fingers on Gio’s. “I noticed you right away. Italian, right?”

“I’d say my name gives that away, but my dark looks do as well. Yep, both my parents are Italian. All my grandparents. We’re a big, happy, Italian family.”

“Is Gio short for anything?”

“Giovanni, Giovanni Russo. And you?”

“Calder Saito, and he’s Lucien Cummings.”

Gio laughed. “Oh, I bet you hear a lot of jokes with that last name.”

“I do.” Lucien smiled at him, and Gio’s heart gave a tiny thump.

Both of these men had dangerous, devastating smiles. It was no wonder he couldn’t have picked between them. He watched Calder’s throat as he gulped more water and wanted to put his mouth there. He wanted his mouth all over both men. And why not?

“So, Calder Saito and Lucien Cummings, who’s up for another round?”

Lucien grinned again, setting Gio’s body on fire.

Chapter Six

The walk of shame had never been so painful in all of Lucien’s life. Of course, it had begun with the Uber of shame to the house with Calder and neither of them talking the entire way. Not that Lucien wanted him to say anything. The voice in his head was too busy screaming “What the fuck were you thinking?” for any other conversation.

He couldn’t even blame it on alcohol. If he’d drunk too much, he’d be hungover. But there was zero hangover. Not even the tiniest queasiness or throb of headache.

Which meant that he’d been plenty sober when everything happened last night.

He knew he should regret every second, but it had also been some of the best sex of his life. His brain was still flashing up a kaleidoscope of images from both Calder and Gio, their gasps and moans playing over and over in his ears. Nothing that good could be bad, right?

Except… What the fuck were they supposed to do now?

The Uber driver—who had been blissfully silent the entire time—started to pull into the driveway, but Calder stopped him. It was just now eight in the morning. If they were very careful, they’d be able to sneak into the house and into their respective rooms before anyone saw them. If he could get a shower and maybe some coffee in him, he could figure out how to handle the next few hours.

Climbing out of the car, Lucien moved to stand by Calder in the grass as they both watched the driver back out of the driveway and head away from their house. He chanced a glance over at Calder, and something twisted inside of him. The shorter man had shoved a hand through his messy hair, his eyes sort of wide and staring off as if he were trapped in the same memories of their night.